Esports Technologies launches Esports Games app on Google Play

عقدة المصدر: 877502

ارفع تكنولوجيا واستراتيجية بيانات مؤسستك في تحويل 2021.

تقنيات الرياضات الإلكترونية has launched its Esports Games app on the Google Play Store as a companion for players watching بطولات الرياضات الإلكترونية.

The app from the Las Vegas maker of esports wagering products helps fans predict who will win a tournament for a match in progress. An iOS version is coming soon. The app also provides trivia games for esports fans. The app has launched in the United States, United Kingdom, and Canada.

This “second screen” companion app gives fans another way to actively enjoy the esports events, versus the passive activity of watching a match. Fans can watch the events on YouTube, Twitch, and other platforms.

Players can answer trivia and make predictions on the following games: League of Legends, Dota 2, Counterstrike: GO, Overwatch, World of Warcraft, Rocket League, Call of Duty, Valorant, and
من المراقبة من جانب.

As an added bonus, fans who predict matches correctly/win the trivia game have a chance to win a prize that is a similar size to that of the professional players they are cheering on. It’s 100% free to play — it doesn’t use microtransactions or sweepstakes mechanics, and it supports not just major events but also minor tournaments plus trivia and streaming events.

منصة جديدة

Above: Esports Technologies has a new second-screen app.

Image Credit: Esports Technologies

The new platform consists of two types of engagement games, focused on esports content: tournament predictions and trivia. Qualified players are expected to be able to enter and participate for free. For trivia contests players can answer questions to score points and achieve placement on a global leaderboard.

Similarly, the prediction game allows players to predict the outcomes of live-esports match events. Examples of outcomes that can be predicted would be, “Which team may get the first kill in the
match?” or “What could the final score be?” Players who correctly predict the outcome of the game are also eligible to win prizes totaling the equivalent value of the prize pool of the actual event or tournaments they are predicting.

Esports Technologies selected a leading free-to-play platform, Splash Tech (headed by Adam Wilson), to help develop the Esports Games app. Esports Technologies is traded on Nasdaq, and it has 24 employees.


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