ভ্যালোরেন্টে কীভাবে অফলাইনে উপস্থিত হবেন?

উত্স নোড: 1858971

Riot games launched Valorant last year, and it has been an extremely popular game since then. A lot of players want to hide from their friends while playing Valorant for various reasons. There are multiple software that help you in appearing offline while playing.

ভ্যালোরেন্টে কীভাবে অফলাইনে উপস্থিত হবেন?

One of the software is called Deceive, and for now, Riot Games has officially announced that usage of software can’t get you banned but they will attempt to make it not work because they don’t want the players to appear offline.

If your software stops working at any point in time, visit the link below and download a new one.

- বিজ্ঞাপন -

The software cuts the chat connection to Riot’s server and makes you show offline.

আপনি ডাউনলোড করতে পারেন প্রতারণা করা here. Scroll down to the Assets and press the Deceive.exe to download.

After you’ve downloaded it, you need to follow these steps:

  • Create a shortcut of the Deceive.exe
  • Right-click Deceive.exe – Shortcut, then click Properties
  • Add “valorant” at the end of the Target field.
  • Press OK and run it

Windows might say this is an unsafe application, but rest assured it is safe. Press Run anyway.

Method 2 – Firewall and Command Prompt

Before following the steps below, make sure your firewall is turned on.

  • First, open the Riot launcher, select your server and log in.
  • When logged in, open CMD[Command Prompt] by pressing Start in Windows and searching for CMD.
  • Copy-paste the following code to your CMD:
[ALL SERVERS]-> netsh advfirewall firewall add rule name="lolchat" dir=out remoteport=5223 protocol=TCP action=block
  • If you’d like to turn the invisibility off type this into CMD: 
netsh advfirewall firewall delete rule name="lolchat"

You can try one of these methods in order to appear offline Valorant and grind more.

প্রস্তাবিত | গেম-ব্রেকিং ভ্যালোরেন্ট বাগ টেলিপোর্ট প্লেয়ার ম্যাপের উপরে

- বিজ্ঞাপন -

Source: https://www.talkesport.com/guides/how-to-appear-offline-in-valorant/

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