Ethereum-opgradering til reduktion af ETH-forsyning får mindes-NFT'er

Kildeknude: 988768

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  • EIP-1559 will reduce the supply of ETH by “burning” tokens.
  • Den komplekse forandring krævede meget tid og energi.
  • En gruppe sælger NFT'er for at sige tak.

If you’re hardcore into Ethereum network upgrades, we’ve got just the thing for you.

Stateful Works, et projekt og en publikation, der skal tilskynde til skabelse og vedligeholdelse af offentlige goder på Ethereum blockchain, har afslørede ikke-fungible erindringsmønter (NFT'er) af en kommende, meget ventet netværksopgradering. NFT'er er digitale tokens, der giver ejerskab til et aktiv, i dette tilfælde levende billeder.

The 1559 NFTs, crafted by designer _kitteh, are being sold for 0.1559 each—with one going for at least 15.59 ETH—and “will forever act as a show of support for the people who delivered EIP-1559.” That includes the people who wrote the Ethereum Improvement Proposal, the client teams that changed their software, and researchers who studied the knock-on effects.

EIP-1559 is slated to take effect with the upcoming network upgrade, known as the London hard fork. At its most basic, EIP-1559 makes transaction fees more transparent for Ethereum users (and should even lower them a bit). Just as importantly, it takes those fees and “burns” them by sending them to an inaccessible wallet. The result is that each Ethereum network transaction will lower the amount of ETH, creating some deflationary pressure on the asset (which could help the price rise).

If you’re curious why one might want to buy an NFT commemorating a code change, it’s because the people who made that change don’t get directly paid for the work they put into it.

“The main purpose of the NFT was to provide a sort of ‘thank you’ to everyone who worked on this, because, while most of them are obviously paid for their work on Ethereum, people working on the protocol don’t really have mechanisms to capture value created,” Tim Beiko, an Ethereum Foundation developer who helped his colleague Trent Van Epps write today’s post, explained to Dekryptér.

That’s due to a problem with creating and maintaining public goods—things that benefit everyone but lack incentives for individuals to pay for or contribute to them. Client teams typically rely on donations and grants, do outside consulting, or sell other software. Researchers, meanwhile, can be independent or tied to a company, venture capital firm, or nonprofit.

NFT'erne skal derfor opmuntre folk til at fortsætte med at udføre benarbejdet. Andele af provenuet ligger mellem 1% og 14% for bidragydere. Beiko, som har koordineret netværksopgraderinger med kerneudviklere, står til at modtage 6% af provenuet, for eksempel. NFT-designeren modtager 2 %.

Beiko fortalte Dekryptér he put together the share percentages “based on the amount of time and effort each party had put into the EIP’s development” before having it “sanity checked” by others.

Not everyone is taking contributions. Most notably, Vitalik Buterin, who wrote EIP-1559, declined to receive proceeds. The team behind the Go-Ethereum client, which receives funding from the Ethereum Foundation, also isn’t taking part.

Fra offentliggørelsen har projektet rejst over 71 ETH ($139,000). 1559 Supporter Series NFT'erne vil forblive til salg, indtil alle er solgt, mens den enkelte 1559 Patron NFT vil gennemgå en 155.9 timers auktion, efter at dens reservepris på 15.59 ($30,300) er nået.



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