Fed nedtrapning/stramning af frygt driver salg – ugentlig markedsoversigt: 7. januar 2022

Kildeknude: 1578468

I am piloting a nyt show here at Wealthion & we’d love your feedback on it.

As a complement to our regular macro-focused interviews, a growing number of you have been asking for more “boots on the ground” analysis of the financial markets.

So I asked investment advisor Lance Roberts to work with me to create a new program that focuses on the key material market developments of the past week & what the implications are for regular investors like you.

It’s filled with analysis, charts, trading ideas & investing recommendations.

And this first episode tackles the important question: Who’s really in control of today’s asset prices? The Fed or market forces?

If all this sounds of any interest to you, then please watch this pilot episode of our very-creatively-named new show, Weekly Market Recap.

If enough folks like what they see, we’ll make it a recurring program, airing every weekend.

Hvis du kan lide denne video - abonnere på Wealthion, det er en af ​​de hurtigst voksende finansielle kanaler på YouTube.

Source: https://goldsilver.com/blog/fed-tapertightening-fears-driving-selling-weekly-market-recap-jan-7-2022-wealthion/


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