Hvad er Clean Green Certified Cannabis helt præcist?

Kildeknude: 1016325

ren grøn certificeret cannabis

Due to the Federal laws that currently do not recognize marijuana as an “agricultural crop,” it cannot be licensed as an organic product. This realization means that the marijuana industry doesn’t have the right to use USDA økologisk mærkning

Derfor er nogle virksomheder begyndt at tage initiativ til at gøre industri-baseret etik sammenlignelig med dem, der tilbydes af USDA. Det Ren grøn idé blev født for at nå dette mål.

Dette initiativ er blevet beskrevet som det nærmeste nogen kan komme på økologisk. Clean Green er et væsentligt kvalifikationsprogram tilgængelig for marihuanaproducenter og -behandlere over hele landet. Det blev også oprettet for at gøre det nemt for kunder og cannabis-entusiaster at genkende produkter, der matcher de økologiske principper.

The Clean Green initiative remains the largest marijuana certification platform in America. This platform has made a lot of progress since 2008 and has successfully certified 175 companies and up to 60,000 pounds of marijuana annually. This number doesn’t include tiny buds and trims that were processed as edibles and extracts. 

Programmet er i stor brug i seks stater i Amerika, inklusive Puerto Rico, og vil komme ind på østkysten og det canadiske marked senere i år. Så hvad handler Clean Green om?

Den rene grønne idé 

Founded in 2004, Chris Van Hook set up this platform, who used to work as a lawyer and an organic certification expert with USDA accreditation. He was contracted by a marijuana farmer in 2003 who desired to become a licensed organic cultivator. Chris wanted to certify the farmer, but it wasn’t possible with Federal laws.

Instead of doing that, Chris created Clean Green as a certification platform and extended it to marijuana processors, manufacturers, products, and handlers. He maintains that the platform is based on the “Gold” level for the agriculture and food sector, the USDA standard.

Chris hævder, at ingen kan hævde, at deres marihuana er økologisk (dette er en kendsgerning fra føderale love). Alligevel kan folk opnå Clean Green-certificeret status, hvis de følger føderale økologiske regler. 

Kravene til Clean Green-certificering 

For at et produkt kan få Clean Green Certified-mærket, skal producenten overholde nogle regler, herunder: 

For at være en ren grøn certificeret producent skal dit marihuanaprodukt være fremstillet med forhåndsgodkendte input. Disse input er også tilladt under de føderale og statslige økologiske programmer: dette skridt sikrer, at forbrugerne får værdi for pengene. Indgangene går på tværs: 

  • Kloner 

  • Jord

  • Næringsstoffer

  • Frø 

  • Pesticider 

  • Alle spiselige produktionsingredienser 

  • Andre produkter, der bruges til at fremstille ekstrakter, spiselige varer og afgrøder. 

Ved at holde sig til de samme regler fastsat af USDA, vil Clean Green-gruppen overholde en globalt anerkendt og pålidelig standard maksimeret i andre landbrugsområder.

To have the Clean Green certification, you will also need to comply with its yearly intensive inspection. At such assessments, the inspectors detect issues with the marijuana plant’s health like mites, molds, and other pest challenges that may affect the final product’s quality and safety. 

Mere så, hvis en cannabisvirksomhed har Clean Green-certificeringen, er det tydeligt, at dets faciliteter ikke udgør miljøfarer i samfundet. 

The inspectors also observe how the companies source water and electricity and if the facilities are operating correctly regarding soil erosion, drainage system, clean water, and the environment’s overall health. These are crucial considerations before the inspection process is tagged ‘Complete.” 

Clean Green has ensured that all its inspectors have the matching qualifications, and it is likened to a County Agricultural Inspector’s qualification. The inspectors also have Bachelor’s Degrees in science-related fields or, more specifically, in agriculture. It is required that they have up to five years’ experience in the cannabis industry. 

  • Slutproduktet 

Endelig skal det færdige produkt også opfylde alle kriterier, uanset produkttype. Fra ekstrakter til blomster og spiselige varer skal produktet opfylde Clean Green certificeringskravene, som indebærer: 

  • Den skal parres med et sporingsnummer 

  • Det skal pakkes i overensstemmelse med forskrifterne 

  • It mustn’t have banned inputs, pests, or molds. 

When a cannabis-based product gets the Clean Green label, consumers can be sure that their purchase is of the highest quality, healthy, clean, and well-cared for. Many Cannabis Cup Awards have celebrated Clean Green’s extraordinary efforts by awarding the company several accolades. 

Clean Green har sat en klar forbindelse mellem sund og kvalitetsmarihuana fra andre produkter under standard. Chris har sagt, at det er en glæde for holdet at stå side om side med marihuanabønder i slutningen af ​​en landbrugssæson for at analysere kvaliteten af ​​marihuanaplanter. 

There is still much to do within this ‘Organic” marijuana space, but Clean Green has already set the ball rolling and set a high standard for subsequent companies to follow suit. Today, if you are intentional about seeking out a clean and healthy cannabis product, you are bound to find one with the Clean Green seal of quality. 

Så det er sikkert at sige, at dagene med at søge efter produkter af høj kvalitet og ikke få dem er forbi. Cannabisindustrien er blevet fuldstændig revolutioneret med Clean Green-dagsordenen. Der er en bevidst plan om at tilbyde bæredygtige og sunde produkter i topklasse fra gården til hylderne.  

Bottom Line

Clean Green as a business continues to flourish, and it seeks to become the most sought-after and trusted platform with those seeking quality and healthy marijuana products. This is a business created based on the founder’s passion for marijuana and offering a sustainable farming alternative to producers. 

The company also desires to manufacture and endorse farms and ventures that go all the way in ensuring that their products meet the standard. The lack of Federal support for marijuana in America hasn’t wholly crippled the industry. Clean Green has created a niche for itself and contributes its quota to boosting the American cannabis sector.


ren certificeret økologisk cannabis





Kilde: http://cannabis.net/blog/strains/what-exactly-is-clean-green-certified-cannabis


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