AAG käivitab MetaOne Walleti, et lihtsustada ja tõhustada Web3 kasutajakogemust

AAG käivitab MetaOne Walleti, et lihtsustada ja tõhustada Web3 kasutajakogemust

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In December, we covered AAG when the fast-growing web3 software company integrated Coinbase Pay into its MetaOne Wallet to improve the fiat on-ramping feature for investors. The integration would make it easier for users, many of whom never previously owned cryptocurrencies, to acquire digital assets and NFTs as part of their web3 journey. The AAG team continues to push the boundary of streamlining the web3 experience. The startup is jump-starting the new year with the launch of its most ambitious product to date.

Today, AGG announced the launch of MetaOne rahakott to simplify and ease the onboarding of new users into the Metaverse economy. MetaOne Wallet is the flagship product under the AAG banner that enables users to send NFT to their friends, browse web3 projects, or connect to a dApp.

With MetaOne Wallet, users don’t have to remember or safely store their private keys and seed phrases. As we reported back in December, the MetaOne Wallet still includes user-friendly features in the fiat on-ramps provided by industry giants Coinbase Pay and Simplex, an integrated decentralized application (dApp) marketplace serving only approved dApps, and AAG’s own educational AAG Academy.

MetaOne will also play a vital role in helping drive the mainstream use and acceptance of Web3 primitives as the AAG team rolls out support for multiple blockchains in the coming weeks and the AAG Akadeemia spearheads the efforts to raise awareness about crypto and Web3. In a statement, AAG Co-Founder and CEO Jack Vinijtrongjit said:

“I truly believe MetaOne will be a game-changer for both consumers and businesses. When businesses are able to provide a more seamless onboarding experience and consumers can feel safe to enter and discover what they can do with Web3, we will be able to take a giant leap toward mainstream adoption.”

MetaOne Walleti keskne eesmärk on kasutajakogemuse lihtsustamine, võimaldades kõigil alustada oma Web3- ja krüptoteekonda. MetaOne, mis on strateegiliselt loodud vastama nii algajate kui ka kogenud kasutajate vajadustele, muudab paljude digitaalsete varade ja NFT-de hankimise, jälgimise ja haldamise lihtsaks. Lisaks tagavad Simplexi ja Coinbase Pay integratsioonid kasutajatele, et nad saavad oma esimesed digitaalsed varad osta turvaliste ja testitud fiat-põhiste makseviiside kaudu.

Rahakoti õppimiskõvera lühendamiseks ei pea MetaOne kasutajatel oma privaatvõtmeid ja algfraase meeles pidama. Selle asemel saavad kasutajad oma rahakotti sisse logida mitme erineva alternatiivi, sealhulgas e-posti ja parooli, samuti seadme pääsukoodi ja biomeetria kaudu.

AAG meeskond on pööranud suurt rõhku MetaOne Walleti ohutusele, turvalisusele ja tõhususele. MetaOne Wallet, mis on ehitatud AAG-i petudetektori tarkvarale, suudab tuvastada ja leevendada võimalikke pettusi, mis on põhjustatud pahatahtlikest nutikatest lepingutest ja halbadest osalejatest. MetaOne'i rahakotil on ka sisseehitatud funktsioon, mis hoiatab kasutajaid levinud vigade eest, võimaldades neil enne tehingu sooritamist veel kord kontrollida.

MetaOne'i rahakotis on integreeritud dApp Store MetaOne dApp Store, mis pakub enam kui 1,100 dAppi mitmes kategoorias. Iga dAppi kvaliteeti ja ohutust kontrollitakse individuaalselt, et tagada kasutajate ohutus pettuste ja vaipade tõmbamise eest. Arendajad saavad anda oma panuse ka ökosüsteemi, võimendades MetaOne API-t, et pakkuda kasutajatele uuemaid kasutuskogemusi, näiteks taotleda juurdepääsu varade teisaldamiseks ahelate ja rahakottide vahel, ilma et kasutajad peaksid ühendama või teisaldama kõiki digitaalseid varasid samasse rahakotti.

At launch the MetaOne wallet will be able to support tokens & NFTs from 5 blockchains: Bitcoin, Ethereum, Polygon, Harmony, BNB Chain – with many more set to be added in 2023.

AAG CEO Jack Vinijtrongjit will be hosting an AMA on 11th January at 11 am UTC to answer questions about the AAG product ecosystem. Interested users can also Registreeruge siin.

Founded in 2021 by Jack Vinijtrongjit, AAG software enables economic opportunities worldwide through the new paradigm of the Metaverse virtual economy. The startup provides a secure and easy-to-use crypto wallet, as well as infrastructure software, such as a cross-chain search engine and GameFi SDK for enterprise companies.

With the belief that education is the key to unlocking the potential of web3, AAG is also exploring the concept of Learn-and-Earn with the mission of enabling economic opportunities worldwide via the Metaverse economy. AAG aims to bring 1 billion people into the Metaverse economy by 2030.


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