Cardano meeskond uurib stabiilsete tasude ja baashinna teostatavust

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The team behind Cardano is currently uurides the viability of a system that operates in the direction of establishing a base price for transactions by pegging a group of currencies and is called Stablefees. As revealed in a blog post by IOHK, the team behind Cardano notes that there is the capability of amalgamating Stablefee in its system in order to provide transaction pricing that seems fair and is predictable.

Cardano Researching Stablefees’ Viability

In accordance with the data revealed by the team behind Cardano, the potential unification of Stablefees is developing on the ledger rules and system assets approach of the platform.

The Stablefees contrivance necessitates a native decentralized reserve contract that offers and manages a stablecoin that is pegged to the basked and is dubbed Basket Equivalent Coin (BEC).

As per the projections of the team behind Cardano, ADA has the potentsiaal to play the role of a reserve asset alongside working as the reward token for staking. 

Remarkably, the amalgamation means that ADA is going to be the fallback cryptocurrency if a lucidity devours influences the reserve contract. The team said:

“This approach has one advantage when compared with the first-price auction model: the pricing mechanism is continuously stabilized to a reasonable default value. Users perform price discovery in one direction only to accelerate processing if required.”

The Working and Operations of the System

The system operates by taking into consideration both the size and the computation requirements of the transaction. 

In addition to this, it should be noted that the system might deploy runtime metrics like the average system load, particularly in phases of high demand.

Moreover, Cardano takes note that the integral segment of the system is the on-chain oracle that sets the price of the basket in ADA

Along with this, IOHK said that apart from paying the transaction charges, the oracle and the global BEC will be acquiring additional use cases within the Cardano decentralized ecosystem.

LUGEGE  Krüptoinvesteerimisfond FD7 ostab 380 miljonit dollarit Cardano

# Cardano #Stablefees



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