Tšehhi armee avalikustas uue põlisrahvaste STARKOMi taktikalise kommunikatsiooni segaja

Tšehhi armee avalikustas uue põlisrahvaste STARKOMi taktikalise kommunikatsiooni segaja

Allikasõlm: 1786158

26 detsember 2022

by Michal Zdobinsky

The STARKOM tactical communication jammer with all four antenna masts extended to a height of 8 m. (Michal Zdobinsky)

Janes has learnt details of the STAvebnicový Rušič KOMunikační (Modular Communication Jammer: STARKOM), one of the main components of a mobile electronic warfare (EW) system. The first STARKOM system was delivered to the Czech Army’s 53rd Reconnaissance and Electronic Warfare Regiment in mid-October.

The system was developed and manufactured entirely in the Czech Republic in only three years. The main contractor is the state-owned VVU Brno military research institute, with the software (SW) and key hardware components related to EW provided by specialised Czech jamming systems manufacturer URC Systems, supported by systems engineering company JISR Institute.

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