Uus aruanne LatAm Fintechi olukorra kohta

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Viimase paari kuu jooksul LendIt Fintech ja Latam Intersect PR worked on a new aru on the state of the fintech market in Latin America. More than 300 fintech and banking professionals were consulted in preparing this report, providing unique insight into the market.

For those new to the region, it provides useful background but those familiar with fintech in LatAm will find new information from the in-depth survey that was conducted to produce the report.

Here are some of the topics addressed:

  • Why investment dollars have been flooding into LatAm fintech.
  • The biggest opportunity for the LatAm fintech market.
  • The major barriers for the growth of fintech.
  • How fintech can expand beyond banking.
  • The top concerns for both fintechs and banks.
  • The key skills needed to foster the growth of fintech.
  • Why trust is the most important factor in consumer adoption of fintech.
  • The “new tangibles” of trust.

When you read this report you get insight into why fintech is growing so fast in Latin America and what is needed to continue that growth. You can laadige aruanne alla siit.

If you are interested in the development of fintech in Latin America there is a must event attend happening in December. LendIt Fintech LatAm will bring together the fintech leaders of the region for two full days of learning and networking. piletid are available now, with early bird pricing that expires at midnight Friday (October 8).

Peter Renton on LendIt Fintechi, maailma esimese ja suurima fintechile keskendunud digitaalse meedia ja ürituste ettevõtte LendIt Fintech esimees ja kaasasutaja.

LendIt Fintech viib aastas läbi kolm konverentsi USA, Euroopa ja Ladina-Ameerika juhtivatele fintech turgudele. LendIt pakub ka tipptasemel sisu aastaringselt heli-, video- ja kirjalike kanalite kaudu.

Peter on fintechist kirjutanud alates 2010. aastast ning ta on Fintech One-on-One Podcasti, esimese ja pikima fintechi intervjuude sarja autor ja looja.

Peterit on intervjueerinud Wall Street Journal, Bloomberg, The New York Times, CNBC, CNN, Fortune, NPR, Fox Business News, Financial Times ja kümned teised väljaanded.

Source: https://www.lendacademy.com/new-report-on-the-state-of-latam-fintech/


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