Krüpto massilise kasutuselevõtu kasutuselevõtt

Allikasõlm: 1612359

NFT-d lisavad plokiahela ökosüsteemile keerukust ja mitmekesisust ning see uus utiliidi laine meelitab palju laiemat publikut.

Plokiahela-krüptovaluuta sektor on veidi enam kui kümme aastat vana ja peab endiselt võitlust laialdase tunnustamise nimel. Need, kes on selle valdkonna tõusu tähelepanelikult jälginud, teavad selle potentsiaali lahendada suurimaid pärandfinantssüsteeme vaevavaid probleeme, kuid enne kui krüpto saab tõeliselt peavoolu minna, peab see esmalt arvestama mõne oma olemusliku puudujäägiga.

For starters, crypto-based transactions are considerably slower than conventional payments, with the exception of some cross-border use cases. Faster transactions are possible, but not without a hefty price tag out of reach for many users. This sluggish speed often means long waits for transactions to settle, resulting in network congestion. As we witnessed with CryptoKitties 2017. aastal, scalability is a serious concern for existing blockchains and protocols running on them.

Beyond these technical limitations, myths and misunderstandings abound in the blockchain-cryptocurrency domain, which presents significant obstacles to onboarding. Those skeptical about cryptocurrencies often perceive it as “magic internet money” with little or no value in the real world, or worse, a means for criminals to transact shady business outside of the watchful eye of financial regulators. This is despite the fact that just 0.34% of crypto-based transactions involve criminal activity globally.

Cryptocurrency is also frequently criticized for its gluttonous energy consumption, with the average Bitcoin transaction consuming twice as much energy as a typical U.S. home uses in an entire month. Mass-scale Bitcoin mining operations around the world consume enormous amounts of fossil fuels to power their server farms, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions in our atmosphere. Some companies have begun to partner with energy plants to use liigne energia that might otherwise be wasted.

Bitcoin ja Ethereum püüavad neid probleeme lahendada selliste uuenduste abil nagu Lightning Network ja Ethereum 2.0. Arenevad plokiahela platvormid toovad samuti kasutusele radikaalseid ja paljutõotavaid täiustusi, kuid tervikuna on massiline kasutuselevõtt peavoolus endiselt kauge reaalsus.

Hoolimata nendest ja muudest takistustest on kasvav krüptoentusiastide kogukond teinud tohutuid jõupingutusi teadlikkuse ja hariduse levitamiseks – mis on järjekindlalt täitumas. Lisaks, kuna uuendajad loovad kasutajasõbralikke lahendusi, et parandada amatööride esmakordset kogemust, liigume järk-järgult laiema kasutuselevõtu poole. Vaatame mõningaid selle muudatuse peamisi katalüsaatoreid.

NFT kollektsiooni

Üks edukamaid ja uuenduslikumaid avastusi plokiahela sektorist hiljutises mälus on mitteasendatavad märgid (NFT-d). Kuigi NFT-del on mitu rakendust, on vanim ja võib-olla kõige populaarsem nende roll kogumisobjektidena. NFT-d köitsid krüptoentusiastide huvi alates 2017. aastast CryptoPunksiga ja on sellest ajast peale muutunud kultuurilisteks esemeteks, avades plokiahela ajaloo ühe kõige olulisema peatüki.

NFT-põhised kogumisobjektid ei ole pelgalt JPEG-kujutised, mis istuvad tegevusetult nende omaniku krüptorahakotis. Inimesed ostavad neid varasid, et neid sotsiaalmeedias omamoodi virtuaalse staatuse sümbolina uhkeldada. Mõistes entusiasmi, on Twitter töötanud selle nimel, et pakkuda kasutajatele võimalust autentida oma NFT-de ja näita neid välja oma profiilis. NFT-d võivad olla ka palju enamat kui pelgalt kogumisobjektid – näiteks on võimalik fraktsioneerida, nagu ka DeFi derivaadid.

Torum is one company focused on growing the NFT and Crypto Community and has recently taken investment from KuCoini laborid. Torum’s NFT marketplace is powered by their token XTM, which helps meet the NFT-centric needs of crypto communities. They will be connecting users in a SocialFi (Social Finance) ecosystem where cryptocurrency users and projects can collaborate and, according to their twitter, already have close to 200,000 users.

Another market player lowering the barrier to entry to NFTs among new and existing crypto users is ajaraamat, a marketplace creating authenticated digital collectibles for the world’s biggest brands, including for stars of stage, screen, and television. Chronicle makes it easy for users to buy, sell, trade, and gift officially licensed NFT collectibles, even without technical knowledge, with a user-friendly platform that accepts a multitude of payment options including credit and debit cards.

Mängi teenimiseks (P2E) mängud

Blockchain-powered gaming is rapidly becoming a sensation, with the combined market cap of top gaming tokens having peaked at üle $ 52 miljardi. Traditional gamers are already familiar with the idea of in-game assets, such as weapons, vehicles, or loot boxes, around which entire in-game economies with corresponding real world value have begun to spring up.

NFT-de ja muude plokiahelal põhinevate uuenduste võimendamisega viivad detsentraliseeritud protokollid mängusisesed varad (ja mängud) täiesti uuele tasemele. Erinevalt traditsioonilisest mängust, kus varad piirduvad üksikute mängude maailmadega, on mängusiseste märkide tegelik rahaline väärtus, mis ületab mängude virtuaalsed piirid ja püsib isegi siis, kui mäng lakkab olemast. See areng on toonud kaasa täiesti uue, kasutajakeskse mänguparadigma: Play-to-Earn või P2E.

In our pandemic-ravaged economy, people had to get creative to make ends meet, and P2E games shot to fame in this climate. The prospect of earning real money by playing games is indeed exhilarating, however the focus on the economics of these virtual realms usually comes at the expense of compromised gameplay and visuals. The sector is evolving, though, and quite rapidly, with participatory and people-centric titles like what we are seeing from Iron Sail, Whydah’s mäng fi hub that has received $25 million funding from major blockchain ventures.

Running on KardiaKett, Iron Sail’s Mytheria is an NFT trading card game set to release in the coming months that adds a whole new layer to the Play-to-Earn model: Create-to-Earn. This allows artists to submit artwork to the game community and even create games to generate revenue from their work. Thetan Arena is another game from Iron Sail that, in a span of 2 weeks since launch, accumulated a total of more than 5 miljonit kasutajat across all platforms. They reported a number of daily active users has reached a peak of 2 million.

Kasutajale orienteeritud teenused ja privaatsuse prioriteedid

Disrupting user-oriented services like Data Management Platforms (DMP) and Creator Economies is another prominent outcome of leveraging blockchain technology. Blockchain-based solutions can improve these services, providing better security, privacy, and transparency, especially concerning personal and sensitive data. This benefits not only enterprises and content creators, but above all, the end-users themselves. We have already moved beyond ordinary cryptographic encryptions in this regard, thanks to companies like Harp.

ARPA CEO Felix Xu, who owns more than 3,000 NFTs, attended Art Basel 2021 in Miami to network with NFT artists. Xu said that ARPA’s Randcast technology uses cryptographic methods to provide a secure, fast, and affordable way for projects to generate onchain verifiable random numbers. Verifiable randomness can improve the transparency of minting NFTs, blockchain gaming, generative art, and more.

Jäämäe tipp?

Despite its nascency, the crypto sector has already attained a market cap of $ 2.57 triljonit though it has seen a sell-off around the new year. As blockchain innovations continue to evolve, crypto companies will devise new ways to onboard new users to their platforms. With more investments coming into the crypto industry all the time, companies will eventually adopt people-friendly technologies for mass adoption. By any measure this is an exciting time, and we’re still at the very beginning of the blockchain and cryptocurrency story. As that story unfolds, we may be about to witness an exponential and world-moving technology boom, with echoes of the early days of the internet.

Pilt: Pixabay


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