REL-i veebiseminar: kultuuriliselt kinnitavate ruumide loomine

Allikasõlm: 1119381

Oktoober 6, 2021

REL Webinar: Creating Culturally Affirming Spaces

The fifth of five items from the folks at IES – I’d be interested to hear from K-12 distance and online folks that have been doing work in this area.

Haridusteaduste Instituut

REL-i veebiseminar: kultuuriliselt kinnitavate ruumide loomine

Liitu REL West for part one of a two-part webinar series designed to expand knowledge and provide practical, evidence-based examples of systems, policies, and practices that are culturally affirming—what they are and what they are not—to inform instruction, school climate-related practices, and everyday decisions that shape the academic and social-emotional well-being of students and their families.

A presentation and panelist discussion will include lessons from research and practice about how in culturally affirming spaces, small practices have big payoffs and hold significant value for students’ academic progress. These practices include pronouncing students’ names correctly, speaking positively about families and communities in front of students, and sharing one’s own intercultural experiences.

In this first webinar, participants will—

  • Deepen understanding of culturally affirming school and classroom cultures and climates and how they shape student learning and social and emotional well-being
  • Examine practices, policies, and conditions that hinder student belonging and inhibit the academic and social well-being of culturally, racially, and linguistically diverse students
  • Learn about promising practices and behaviors that foster culturally affirming schooling experiences for students, families, and staff

This webinar is intended for district and site leaders who are the drivers and stewards of equity-centered efforts in their district. Participants are encouraged to attend in teams of two or more and to register for both webinars, if possible.

Creating Culturally Affirming Spaces: School and Classroom Practices

Webinar 1: October 13, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Webinar 2: October 27, 2021
10:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. Pacific Time

Registreeru siit


Piirkondlikud hariduslaborid (REL) suurendada õpetajate suutlikkust kasutada andmeid ja uuringuid õpilaste tulemuste parandamiseks. Iga REL vastab oma regioonis tuvastatud vajadustele ning teeb õppimisvõimalused ja muud ressursid haridustöötajatele kättesaadavaks kogu Ameerika Ühendriikides. Programm REL on osa sellest Haridusteaduste Instituut (IES) USA haridusministeeriumis. REL-i töö, sealhulgas sündmuste ja aruannete regulaarsete värskenduste saamiseks järgige IES-i Facebook ja puperdama. Selle või mõne muu REL-töö kohta tagasiside andmiseks saatke e-kiri

Haridusteaduste instituut, mis on osa USA haridusministeeriumist, on riigi juhtiv range ja sõltumatu haridusuuringute, hindamise ja statistika allikas.
IES-uuringud Facebookis IES-i uuring Twitteris
Külastades Uudis võite registreeruda ka teabe saamiseks Kõrgkoolid ja selle neli keskust NCESNCERNCEE, & NCSER olla kursis kõigi Haridusteaduste Instituudi (IES) tegevustega.

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