5 parimat pilvepõhist lahendust, mis aitavad personalitöötajatel kaasata

5 parimat pilvepõhist lahendust, mis aitavad personalitöötajatel kaasata

Allikasõlm: 2023282

Märtsil 20, 2023

Unsplash Celpax employee engagement - Top 5 Cloud-based Solutions to Help HR Leverage Employee Engagement

Image: Unsplash/Celpax

Cloud-based solutions utilize live data analysis to equip your HR managers with vital resources that can enhance staff involvement. These solutions also enable your HR team to create personalized development plans for each employee, empowering them to take ownership of their career paths and achieve their professional goals. Incorporating the following cloud-based solutions in your HR department can significantly improve employee satisfaction and boost company performance. This article will examine 5 cloud-based solutions to help HR leverage employee engagement:

1. Video conferencing tools

Video conferencing tools are cloud-based solutions that have become increasingly popular as organizations look for ways to improve and maintain employee engagement and collaboration in remote work environments. These tools effectively allow your HR department to connect with employees regardless of location, enabling better communication, engagement and teamwork. They also allow the HR team to hold meetings, conduct interviews, and even organize virtual events, such as team-building activities, without being in the same physical location. These tools can enable you to easily communicate updates on company policies and procedures, discuss career development opportunities, and offer feedback on employee performance.

2. Digital signage software

Pilvepõhised digitaalsed märgistused involves utilizing a digital signage system hosted on a remote server that your HR management can access through the internet. This method differs from conventional digital signage systems, usually installed on the premises, and necessitates a dedicated server and IT assistance for upkeep. Digital signage software can enable your HR team to pass on vital communication including employee awards and recognition, HR updates and policies to employees as they complete their daily duties. It also allows integration with other systems, such as HRMS, which enables your HR managers to easily pull information from these systems and display it on digital signage, creating a personalized experience for your employees.

3. Rewards and recognition software

Rewards and recognition software allows HR departments to enhance employee engagement by implementing effective employee recognition programs. This software automates identifying and rewarding employee performance, making it easier for your HR department to gather their opinions and improve productivity. The software provides a platform to create and customize reward programs tailored to your employees’ needs. You can also allow your employees to nominate and reward their peers, promoting collaboration within the organization.

Such software also provides real-time tracking and reporting of employee performance metrics, allowing your HR team to identify and reward top-performing employees quickly. It can also help to reduce turnover rates by creating a positive work environment that encourages employee loyalty and retention.

4. All-in-one HRMS

An all-in-one HRMS (Human Resource Management System) provides a centralized platform for monitoring all aspects of HR, including payroll, benefits administration, and employee engagement. Such a tool can help the HR get the input of employees by providing tools for tracking and analyzing employee feedback. This tool can help HR identify areas where employees feel less involved in decision-making and inform measures to address these issues. Additionally, an All-in-one HRMS can provide features such as social recognition and rewards programs that can help increase employee motivation and engagement. Implementing such a comprehensive platform for managing all aspects of HR can help you drive overall success.

5. Onboarding and talent management system

An onboarding system can enable your HR department to effectively onboard new employees and streamline the onboarding process by automating paperwork, training and orientation tasks. The system can significantly reduce HR’s time and resources on manual onboarding tasks and allocate them to more critical tasks. Additionally, an onboarding system can customize the onboarding process based on the new employee’s role, department and location.

Talent management tools can assist you in identifying, nurturing, and retaining talented employees within your company. These tools are designed to optimize HR functions, increase employee engagement, and improve overall organizational performance. Further, these tools help you create an engaging and supportive work environment that promotes employee growth, development, and job satisfaction, ultimately leading to better employee retention rates and higher levels of organizational performance.


Cloud-based solutions provide HR managers with powerful tools to foster an inclusive work environment by enabling them to access real-time employee data, create personalized career paths, and provide training and development opportunities.

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These tools provide the flexibility and scalability you need to manage a rapidly changing workforce.

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