चार्जबी + गेट एक्सेप्ट: अनुबंध प्रबंधित करें और अपनी कोटेशन से सदस्यता प्रक्रिया में तेजी लाएं

चार्जबी + गेट एक्सेप्ट: अनुबंध प्रबंधित करें और अपनी कोटेशन से सदस्यता प्रक्रिया में तेजी लाएं

स्रोत नोड: 2011792

Your sales team needs to jump through several hoops to incorporate contract terms into a subscription: Raise a quote, send a contract document, follow-up to get the customer to sign the contract, and finally create a subscription as per the contract terms.

Chargebee’s integration with GetAccept lets you go from ‘Send Quote’ to ‘Subscription Created’ in one seamless flow. Your sales team can send a Chargebee Quote as a contract document through GetAccept and get the contract e-signed. This integration does away with the manual effort of drafting contract documents, and even creates a new subscription automatically.

समय टिकट:

से अधिक सास चार्जबी.कॉम