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मेल बैग से…

स्रोत नोड: 1193358

डाकबंगला एनिमेटेड

मेल बैग से!

Hey, I just wanted to reach out and say that I have
really appreciated your strong social stances on representation with all
sorts of different types of people (gender, race, ethnicity, etc.) and
supportive of science-based covid strategies (i.e., masks). It’s been
really great to positive messaging when I land on your website and know that
my dollars are going somewhere good. And it’s been equally awesome to see
female scientists and engineers get celebrated in your newsletters. I know
I’m a small time buyer, but when I have the choice i purchase from y’all
over other bigger vendors. I also use your python scripts for various
devices so shout out to the team keeping those working!

All the best from NorCal.

स्रोत: https://blog.adafruit.com/2021/10/21/from-the-mail-bag-240/

समय टिकट:

से अधिक एडफ्रूट इंडस्ट्रीज - मेकर्स & हैकर्स & कलाकारों & डिजाइनर और इंजीनियर!

स्टीफ़न विल्क्स ने अमेरिका में सुज़ैन फ़र्स्टेनबर्ग की फ़ोटोग्राफ़िंग पर बातचीत की: एनपीआर के साथ याद रखें

स्रोत नोड: 1125993
समय टिकट: अक्टूबर 9, 2021