वेगन डेयरी कंपनी मियोको का कहना है कि नेमसेक के संस्थापक ने आईपी चुरा लिया

वीगन डेयरी कंपनी मियोको का कहना है कि नेमसेक के संस्थापक ने आईपी चुरा लिया

स्रोत नोड: 1966515
By Craig Clough (February 17, 2023, 10:48 PM EST) — The relationship between vegan creamery Miyoko’s Creamery and its namesake founder Miyoko Schinner is getting downright bloody, with the company accusing Schinner in a lawsuit filed in California federal court on Friday of stealing sensitive company information and proprietary recipes one day after announcing her removal as CEO….

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से अधिक नियम ६२