
A Bitcoin 11,500 XNUMX dollárt tört, mivel a hangulati mutatók azt mutatják, hogy még mindig alulértékelt

The DeFi-induced bullrun has arguably pushed the crypto market upwards the past week, with Bitcoin, Ethereum, és egyéb főbb kriptovaluták giving gains of over 10-15 percent to investors.

Data feeds from one quantitative on-chain data provider prove the above, with sentiment metrics, in particular, paving the path for even higher prices.

Bitcoin public sentiment increases

Adatok a A nyakkendő — a provider of alternative data for digital assets that quantifies investor perceptions on hundreds of digital assets — shows Bitcoin is showing bullish action in both short- and mid-term trades.

Az alábbi diagram a „hosszú távú hangulati pontszámot” térképezi fel a Bitcoin árfolyamával, amely azt mutatja, hogy az utóbbi éppen most kezdte utolérni a közvéleményt az úttörő digitális eszközről:

Bitcoin Long Term Sentiment Score vs. Price
Long Term Sentiment Score vs. Price (Source: The TIE)

A hangulat még akkor is stabil maradt, amikor a Bitcoin elszenvedte a hírhedt „fekete csütörtök” eseményt márciusban, amikor az árak több mint 45 százalékkal estek két kereskedés során. A közvélemény megítélése azonban azóta stabilan nőtt, és az árak egyre jobban tükrözik a mutatót.

Csak az adatok alapján – a Bitcoin még mindig nem közeledett a hosszú távú közhangulathoz. Egy „rés” továbbra is fennáll, ami azt mutatja, hogy a BTC alulértékelt ezen mutató szerint.

Meanwhile, another chart shows the Twitter-verse is starting to be less concerned about Bitcoin’s price. Tweet dominance is just 42 percent even as prices go up. This can be attributed to the rise of Ethereum, Defi, and DEX-based altcoins in recent weeks — with the trio featuring massive retail interest after some tokens surged 1000x in a few days.

Bitcoin Tweet Dominance
Bitcoin Tweet Dominance (Source: The TIE)

U.S. high-income earners pile into crypto

The sentiment metrics followed yesterday’s report of American high-income earners, and millennials, being among the most prolific buyers of large-cap cryptocurrencies in the U.S.

Mint CryptoSlate jelentett, U.S. citizens purchased a massive $67 billion worth of cryptocurrencies in the first six months of 2020 alone. The numbers mean an average crypto purchase of $4,000 per person. However, the figure is still lesser than last year’s $111 billion, or $7,000 per person.

The U.S. also leads in crypto adoption. The survey said that among the top-ten countries, America had a 15 percent penetration of digital asset investment and awareness as of 2019. The leaders are, rather unsurprisingly, developing markets like Turkey and Brazil as citizens look to cryptocurrencies as a better store-of-value compared to traditional finance.

Firms like Coin Metrics, a crypto markets data and investment provider, say that if these growth rates are maintained, Bitcoin will exceed even the U.S. bond market:

“Bitcoin’s current daily volume would need “fewer than 4 years of growth to exceed the daily volume of all US equities and fewer than 5 years to exceed the daily volume of all US bonds.”

With the high sentiment and adoption rates; the data shows a two-year-long bear market might just be ending soon.

Bitcoin, amely jelenleg a piaci kapcsolatok szerint az 1. helyet foglalja el, feljebb van 4.73% az elmúlt 24 órában. A BTC piaci korlátja 215.09B dollár, 24 órás forgalma 26.46B dollár.

Bitcoin árdiagram

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