A Bitcoin 8,200 dollárra zuhant ezen a tőzsdén

Forrás csomópont: 1100408
22. október 2021. / Unchained Daily / Laura Shin

Daily Bits ✍️✍️✍️

Mit mémelsz?

Mi az a Poppin?

The ransomware group REvil was hacked and taken offline this week in a multi-country sting, jelentések Reuters, citing three private sector cyber experts working with the United States and one former official. “Happy Blog,” the Russian-based criminal gang’s website used to leak victim data and extort companies is no longer available.

“0_neday,” a leader of REvil’s operations admitted to the compromise on a cybercrime forum last weekend, as spotted by Recorded Future. “The server was compromised, and they were looking for me. Good luck, everyone; I’m off,” he wrote.

According to Reuters, law enforcement officials were able to deploy REvil’s signature hacking technique against them. Essentially, law enforcement agents hacked into REvil’s computer network and took over at least some of their servers, which led to REvil shutting down its site.

However, when another gang member restored those same websites from a backup, that person unknowingly restarted servers that were already controlled by law enforcement.

“The REvil ransomware gang restored the infrastructure from the backups under the assumption that they had not been compromised. Ironically, the gang’s own favorite tactic of compromising the backups was turned against them,” said Oleg Skulkin, deputy head of the forensics lab at the Russian-led security company Group-IB.

REvil is Russian-led criminal gang who pulled off a May cyber attack on Colonial Pipeline, forcing forced the company to shut down about 5,500 miles of pipeline, leading to substantial gas shortages on the East Coast. As part of the hack, attackers asked for and received a ransom payment worth $5 million in Bitcoin. Interestingly, the US government was able to meggyógyul$2.3 million in BTC of the initial ransom payment.

(For more information on REvil, be sure to check the Unchained episode covering ransomware.)

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Könyvem, A kriptopártiak: idealizmus, kapzsiság, hazugság és az első nagy kriptovaluta-őrület kialakulása, már előrendelhető.

A könyv, amely az Ethereumról és a 2017-es ICO-mániáról szól, január 18-án jelenik meg. Rendeld meg még ma!

Itt vásárolhatod meg: http://bit.ly/cryptopians

Source: https://unchainedpodcast.com/bitcoin-crashed-to-8200-on-this-exchange/


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