A vállalat a nulla szén-dioxid-kibocsátással számol be a BTC bányászati ​​műveleteiből

Forrás csomópont: 861829

Digihost Technology has reported that over 90% of the energy consumed by its bitcoin (BTC) mining operations is from sources with zero carbon emissions.

The company also reported that renewable resources provided more than 50% of the energy it consumed in 2020. These renewable sources include primarily hydro power (42.68%), and wind (6.45%), with an additional 1.5% from “other renewables.” Nuclear power provided 41% of their energy needs, putting them over the 90% zero-carbon threshold.

Environmentally conscious mining

Digihost mondott that its business strategy is focused on mining bitcoin in an efficient and environmentally conscious way. The company also seeks to reduce its already minimal carbon footprint, potentially through the purchase of carbon credits. 

Last month, Digihost announced the acquisition of a 60 MW power plant. To the extent possible, it intends to also source and utilize renewable natural gas, and potentially acquire megújuló energia tanúsítványok. In the long-term, the company plans to vertically integrate power production from low-cost, clean, and renewable sources of energy. 

Bitcoin’s bad reputation

This announcement comes in light of Tesla’s recent decision to cease accepting bitcoin as payment, citing environmental concerns. The change of heart comes just two months after the electric car company started elfogadó bitcoin for vehicle payments. This followed Tesla’s initial Vásárlás of $1.5 billion in BTC in February.

When announcing the döntés, Tesla CEO Elon Musk said he was concerned about bitcoin’s increasing use of fossil fuels. However, he noted that Tesla would retain its bitcoin holdings. He added that the company intends to reintroduce BTC payments “as soon as mining transitions to more sustainable energy.”

Indeed, a whitepaper by Square and ARK Invest javasolja that bitcoin mining could provide an incentive for developing renewable resources. When Square CEO Jack Dorsey tweeted this notion in sharing the whitepaper, Musk was noted to have válaszolt "Igaz."

A felelősség megtagadása

A weboldalunkon található összes információt jóhiszeműen és csak általános tájékoztatás céljából tesszük közzé. Bármely cselekedet, amelyet az olvasó megtesz a weboldalunkon található információkra, szigorúan saját felelősségére történik.

Cikk megosztása

Nick adattudós, aki közgazdaságtant és kommunikációt oktat Budapesten, ahol politológiai és közgazdász BA-t, valamint üzleti elemzési MSc-t kapott a CEU-tól. 2018 óta ír a kriptovaluta és a blockchain technológiáról, és érdekli a lehetséges gazdasági és politikai felhasználás. Leginkább optimista balközép szkeptikusnak nevezhető.

Kövesse a szerzőt

Source: https://beincrypto.com/close-to-zero-carbon-emissions-from-btc-mining/


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