Snoop Dogg partnerek a virtuális blokklánc világ homokozójával - a rapper tervezi a kúria újjáteremtését és az NFT -k ejtését

Forrás csomópont: 1084191

Following the American rapper Snoop Dogg doxing himself as a crypto whale with millions of dollars worth of non-fungible token (NFT) assets, Snoop has revealed he has partnered with the virtual gaming world Sandbox. According to the announcement, Snoop is recreating his mansion in Sandbox and will be launching his new NFT collection.

Virtual ‘Trees’: Snoop Plans to Recreate His Mansion in the Ethereum-Based Metaverse Sandbox

The rapper, media personality, actor, songwriter, and businessman Snoop Dogg has announced he has partnered with the non-fungible token (NFT) metaverse project called A homokozó. Essentially, Sandbox is a gaming ecosystem where people can create, share and monetize NFTs and gaming experiences on Ethereum (ETH). On September 22, News reported on how Snoop kiderült his secret online personality called Cozomo de’ Medici, a character who owns millions of dollars worth of NFTs.

Snoop Dogg partnerek a virtuális blokklánc világ homokozójával - a rapper tervezi a kúria újjáteremtését és az NFT -k ejtését
Snoop Dogg stands with the Doggfather’s virtual ‘trees’ in the Sandbox metaverse. Image via The Sandbox.

Snoop is now taking the NFT game further and the partnership with Sandbox means that Snoop will be recreating his mansion in the Sandbox metaverse. It means that players will be able to experience Snoop parties and concerts and even play the role of Snoop Dogg himself. Furthermore, the announcement sent to News details that the Doggfather is launching an NFT collection and a limited ‘Snoop Dogg privát parti bérlet. "

“[The] ‘Snoop Dogg Private Party Pass’ gives users VIP access to concerts, events, Q&As, and dedicated NFT drops,” the announcement details. “Snoop Dogg will also launch a 3D avatar collection inside The Sandbox and players will be able to create games using virtual ‘Doggfather’ items such as Snoop Dogg’s personal car collection, dogs, statues, memorabilia, and more.”

Snoop Dogg: „Mindig keresem a rajongókkal való kapcsolattartás új módjait”

“We are building the future of entertainment where everyone will enjoy creating and sharing their very own virtual experiences,” Arthur Madrid, the CEO and co-founder of the Sandbox virtual game said in a statement sent to News. “The Sandbox is bringing iconic culture with Snoop Dogg and enhancing it through innovation with NFTs and virtual experiences. Snoop’s LAND is decentralized; 100% owned by him to develop through his creative genius.”

The Sandbox aims to hold a land sale on September 30th, 2021 and participants will be able to get land adjacent to the Snoop mansion. Snoop detailed that he looks forward to his new virtual palace and is excited to tap a new audience.

“I’m always on the look-out for new ways of connecting with fans and what we’ve created in The Sandbox is the future of virtual hangouts, NFT drops and exclusive concerts,” said Snoop Dogg. “We’ll have a fresh set of Dogg style NFTs that players can integrate into the game experiences to take this online experience to the next level for sure.”

What do you think about Snoop Dogg linking up with the Sandbox and his Dogg style NFTs? Let us know what you think about this subject in the comments section below.

Címkék ebben a történetben
Arthur Madrid, Collection of NFTs, Cozomo, Cozomo de 'Medici, Cozomomedici, Dogg Style, Kutyaapa, dox, Ethereum, Ethereum hálózat, NFT, NFT gyűjtemény, NFT gyűjtő, NFT, Nem helyettesíthető token, Sandbox Metaverse, Sandbox NFTs, Sandbox virtual game, Ellop, Snoop Dogg, A homokozó, virtual trees

Image Credits: Shutterstock, Pixabay, Wiki Commons, The Sandbox,

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