Miért ír minden kriptográfiai vállalat a SEC-nek?

Forrás csomópont: 1271377

20. április 2022.       /       Unchained Daily       /       Laura Shin

Daily Bits ✍✍✍

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Ma a kriptográfiai elfogadásban…

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A $$$ sarok…

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Mit mémelsz?

Mi az a Poppin?

Crypto Comments

Január 26-én a SEC javasolt a rule that would expand the definition of “exchange” and “Alternative Trading Systems” in a way that could affect the crypto industry – despite not mentioning crypto or DeFi once in its 200 pages. On March 18th, the proposal was közzétett in the Federal Register, opening up the proposal to 30 days for public comment – which ended yesterday.

Overall, the SEC received 163 levél from traditional and crypto entities. Various crypto-heavy hitters like Coin Center, Blockchain Association, a16z, DeFi Education Fund, Paul Grewal (the chief legal officer of Coinbase), Delphi Digital, and ConsenSys each expressed discontent with the proposal this week, cutting it quite close to the 30-day deadline.

Coin Center’s Peter Van Valkenburgh írt one of the more poignant letters of comment. “The Commission’s proposed redefinition of “exchange” violates the First Amendment by requiring a license to speak–even of open source developers,” Van Valkenburgh explained. “The effect of the definition on open source software developers is nonetheless clear: anyone writing or distributing DEX software would be violating the law if they don’t register.”

Delphi Digital’s Gabriel Shapiro also had éles words for the SEC. “The proposal will give rise to an anti-competitive regulatory moat…If imposed on AMMs, this securities exchange regime would create impossible regulatory burdens (such as FINRA registration) on open-source software devs, while ironically completely failing to address AMMs’ actual risks.”

Shapiro went on to explain that crypto technology, such as AMMs already addresses issues such as “fair access, public pricing, [and] auditability” due to the inherent, public nature of blockchains.

As for what can be done to rectify the situation, many entities, like ConsenSys, are calling on the SEC to narrow the definition of a “securities exchange” to exempt crypto protocols:

“Moreover, the proposal does not mention cryptocurrency, blockchain, or decentralized finance, let alone explain how the rigorous requirements of the ’34 Act could sensibly be applied in the blockchain context. We certainly would never expect or be inclined to believe the Commission would take the extraordinary step of covering blockchain-based systems without meaningful notice or consultation. Nevertheless, for the sake of providing regulatory clarity for the burgeoning blockchain sector, we urge the Commission to declare expressly that blockchain-based networks do not fall within the scope of the amendments at issue here.” 

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Könyvem, A kriptopártiak: idealizmus, kapzsiság, hazugság és az első nagy kriptovaluta-őrület kialakulása, ami az Ethereumról és a 2017-es ICO-mániáról szól, már elérhető!

Itt vásárolhatod meg: http://bit.ly/cryptopians

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