Raksasa Ritel Kelontong Mengandalkan Otomatisasi

Raksasa Ritel Kelontong Mengandalkan Otomatisasi

Node Sumber: 2512980
Logistics BusinessGrocery Retail Giants Rely on AutomationLogistics BusinessGrocery Retail Giants Rely on Automation

Cimcorp is a pioneer in intralogistics solutions, simplifying material flows and improving customers’ profitability by offering innovative and efficient solutions for automation. The company’s high-level technical skills combined with software know-how have created a unique formula for success in grocery retail automation. Through its automated logistics systems, Cimcorp provides its customers with the freedom to focus on their core business and offers them peace of mind.

From field to store within 24 hours

Kesegaran adalah kebutuhan konsumen terpenting yang menimbulkan tantangan bagi logistik bahan pangan. Dengan solusi Cimcorp, pengecer bahan makanan dapat secara signifikan mengurangi waktu pengiriman logistik dari satu lahan ke toko lainnya.

“The grocery industry is extremely competitive, as shoppers change consuming habits fast and change stores even faster,” says Kari Miikkulainen, Director of Warehouse & Distribution Industry Sales at Cimcorp. “Today, stores offering the freshest, most seasonal produce win. Our job is to help industry players provide their shoppers with more high-quality fresh produce in less time.”

Optimizing intralogistics can, at its best, halve the time taken for produce to travel from field to store. For example, Cimcorp’s intralogistics solution has revolutionized the order-fulfillment process of the Spanish supermarket giant, Mercadona, enabling the delivery of fresh and seasonal produce to stores within 24 hours. By reducing lead times and optimizing order flows, Mercado has extended shelf life for its perishable goods, reduced food waste and enhanced the overall customer experience.

Kualitas adalah kriteria utama lainnya bagi konsumen saat berbelanja bahan makanan. Dalam pengambilan pesanan, kecepatan dan ketepatan sangat menentukan kualitas produk, mengingat biasanya terdapat berbagai macam produk segar. Menawarkan rangkaian produk bahan makanan terbesar di segmen diskon, pengecer makanan Jerman, Netto Marken-Discount juga mengotomatiskan logistik produk segarnya dengan Cimcorp.

Produk segar memiliki umur simpan yang terbatas dan semakin lama waktu yang dibutuhkan untuk sampai ke toko, semakin besar kemungkinan produk tersebut rusak atau kehilangan nilai gizinya. Dengan keahlian otomatisasi Cimcorp, Edeka Freienbrink – bagian dari jaringan supermarket terbesar di Jerman, Edeka Group – mengirimkan produk segar ke tokonya dalam waktu 4-5 jam setelah menerima pesanan.

Menjamin keselamatan dan kesejahteraan karyawan

Automation can also alleviate ergonomic and labour issues, enabling operations to run in a faster and safer way. As labour availability continues to be a major challenge, employees in manual warehouses need to work harder and faster to fulfill orders accurately and on time. This poses significant ergonomic hazards and risk of injury.

“The order-fulfillment process is automated; we trust our robots with the heavy lifting,” says Miikkulainen. “Trusting automation maximizes the center’s output capacity, increasing the quality and productivity of the staff at work. This collaborative, human-robotics knowledge ensures that everything inside the four walls of the distribution center is optimized, and no orders are ever late.”

Di Edeka Freienbrink, sistem Cimcorp menangani pekerjaan berat dan pekerjaan fisik, sehingga Edeka dapat mengandalkan lebih sedikit orang di fasilitas tersebut dan membuatnya lebih mudah untuk dikelola. Otomatisasi menghasilkan lingkungan kerja yang lebih menyenangkan, memungkinkan karyawan untuk fokus pada pemecahan masalah dan berpikir kritis.

Pendekatan Mercadona terhadap manfaat otomatisasi sangat berpusat pada karyawan. Keakuratan dan kualitas palet yang dipilih, serta waktu tunggu yang lebih singkat, selalu tercermin melalui dampaknya terhadap manusia. Mengamankan keselamatan karyawan dan menghindari beban kerja yang berlebihan adalah prioritas utama bagi toko kelontong Spanyol.

Menuju rantai pasok yang lebih ramah lingkungan

Otomatisasi dan intralogistik yang direncanakan secara strategis dapat memungkinkan bisnis menjadi lebih ramah lingkungan. Sebagai pionir dalam solusi intralogistik untuk ritel bahan makanan, Cimcorp adalah mitra yang menerapkan rencana keberlanjutan, tanggung jawab sosial, dan tata kelola. Sistem inventaris dan pasokan yang mengalir dengan lancar mendorong ketahanan jangka panjang dan memenuhi persyaratan transparansi dan keberlanjutan di masa depan, sekaligus mengurangi jejak karbon dan pemborosan produk segar.

In addition to successfully accelerating the intralogistics of customers around the world, Cimcorp has helped many grocers to utilize reusable plastic crates (RPCs). RPCs can help to minimize environmental impact beyond food waste. RPCs can be used thousands of times, replacing cardboard boxes as the method of transport for fresh produce from the farm to the store shelf. For example, Cimcorp has helped Mercadona to match automation and RPCs for excellent results.

Cimcorp’s Warehouse Control System (WCS) helps organize intralogistics and streamline the overall supply chain in a more sustainable way. Through optimizing the loading of delivery vehicles, customers can utilize their vehicle space more efficiently, which leads to fuller trucks and therefore fewer trucks. This means driving fewer kilometers on the road, reducing both CO2 emissions and pollution from exhaust fumes.

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