049 – Kickstarter Co-promotion the Right Way

Node Sumber: 1272755

Want to add energy, backers, and funding to your campaign and build your standing in the KickstarterComixLaunch_Green008
community at the same time? In this session, Tyler breaks down a step-by-step Kickstarter co-promotion strategy that will create a win-win-win for you, your backers, and your fellow Kickstarter creators.

Sesi Hari Ini Disponsori oleh

Perlu printer yang dapat diandalkan untuk buku komik Anda berikutnya atau seri cetak novel grafis? Maka Anda perlu melepaskan Kraken. Menuju ke ComixLaunch.com/Kraken untuk potongan 5% seluruh pesanan pertama Anda.

Pengaturan Meja Sesi

This was a tough week.  The world is mad, in Orlando three terrible stories coming out of there.  And personally as well.

An email I received helped make the week better:

“I just wanted to take the time and give you a proper thank you for all the great stuff you do in the comics community. I’ve learned so much from your articles, podcasts, and soon from your classes. Time is a valuable thing, and I appreciate your generosity in spreading your wealth of knowledge to others. – Ryan Kroboth
It’s good to remember you can Control the Controllables.  Take action. One positive step forward.  Add value.  Get some exercise.

ComixLaunch Course Launches

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Tentang Episode Hari Ini

Kickstarter Co-Promotion

One of the easiest, most effective, and most fun ways to add interest, backers, funding to your campaign, and improve your standing in the Kickstarter Community.

What is Kickstarter Co-Promotion?
Definition – When you share another creator’s Kickstarter project with your audience, usually by mentioning it in a Kickstarter update, and that creator shares your project with their audience of backers.

Kickstarter co-promotions often result in backer crosspollination, and when done correctly, they’re a win / win /win — Win for you, win for the other project, and a win for backers who find out about another awesome project that they might have otherwise missed.

Mindset Myth – Kickstarter is a Zero Sum Game

Why is Kickstarter co-promotion so effective?

Because you’re promoting to Backers.
Because you’re very targeted.
Because it’s WOM referral from a trusted source.
What if you don’t know anyone to co-promote with?
Not a problem…
Receptive audience out there ready and willing to partner with you… and you might not even know them yet.

How to do a co-promotion step by step.

Kickstarter Creator Cross-promotion:
– Find 3-5 projects very similar to yours (genre, style, quality, # of backers)
– Back those projects (even at the $ level).
– Create an update titled “”More Cool Kickstarter this month…” And share links to projects you’ve  identified, why it’s cool, and send to backers.
– Send a message through Kickstarter to the project creator:
– Identify yourself as a backer, and let them know you love what they’re doing.
– Compliment them one-three specific things you like about their project
– Tell them you shared with your own backers, including a link to the update
– Wish them luck on a strong finish.

Why ask for nothing?
Because these are strangers… and you never ask a stranger to do something for you if you haven’t provided value to them first.
You don’t need to ask… because there are greater forces at work here.
When you toss an apple into the air, you don’t need to toss it again to have it come down… the law of gravity has you covered.
Likewise, when you co-promote in this way, the law of reciprocity has your back.
Covered the Law of Reciprocity in ComixLaunch Session 4 as one of 9 social triggers at work on KS.
Powerful principle… if someone gives something to us, we will feel some obligation to give them something back in return.

Top Mistakes When Making a Co-Promotion Offer

Here’s THE WRONG WAY to do it:

My name is [name] and I’m the project lead on the [a product design] project. Would you be interested in a pledge and share cross promotion?
If we pledge $1 towards each other’s campaign, it would give a boost to both our pledges per day and total backers count stats. Since Kickstarter’s algorithm focuses on those numbers, this allows us to appear higher in the Kickstarter page. This is completely within the rules of Kickstarter and mutually beneficial. (improve your page rank by swapping dollars)
By doing this you should see a noticeable increase in pledges. It will definitely bump your project up on the list.
You can check out my campaign here:
Also, to sweeten the deal, if you leave a positive comment on my page, I will leave a positive comment on yours. Good reviews are also a great way to boost your rapport. Also we could share each others project on our social media to gain more exposure.
Let me know if you’re interested!

1) You don’t add value first.

This goes for Kickbooster as well.

2) Poorly targeted
Not your demographic
Do I like this? Really?
Would the people backing my project like this? Really?
Keluar dari liga Anda

3) Never pull back a pledge if you don’t get a co-promotion in return.

Paruh Putar Sponsor

Sebentar lagi, saya akan memberi Anda ComixLauncher hari ini, tetapi pertama-tama, kami perlu berterima kasih kepada sponsor kami ...

Tahun lalu, ComixTribe menghabiskan hampir $ 85,000 untuk mencetak.

Meskipun kami mengandalkan sejumlah printer untuk memasarkan buku-buku kami, satu printer yang sangat saya rekomendasikan adalah KrakenPrint...

Teman-teman kami Jacob Way dan Sam Amborn di Kraken Print menawarkan:

  • Harga kompetitif.
    Layanan pelanggan yang hebat, terutama untuk menjalankan cetak offset pertama Anda.
    Penyimpanan bulanan jika Anda tidak ingin menyimpan ratusan atau ribuan buku di rumah.
    Opsi distribusi, termasuk mogok pesanan dan pengiriman langsung ke Diamond atau toko komik dengan harga diskon khusus yang dinegosiasikan untuk pengiriman.
  • Dan SEKARANG mereka bahkan menawarkan pemenuhan Kickstarter!
  • Kraken akan memilih, mengemas, dan mengirimkan pesanan untuk pendukung Anda.

Jika Anda ingin melepaskan Kraken, kunjungi comixlaunch.com/kraken, sebutkan podcast ComixLaunch, dan mereka akan mengetuk 5% dari cetakan pertama Anda ... dan mereka akan menghubungkan kami dengan kredit 5%

Ini adalah win / win / win / win yang klasik - Anda mendapatkan harga yang bagus untuk mencetak, pendukung Anda mendapatkan buku cetak offset yang indah, Anda membantu podcast keluar, dan Kraken mendapatkan bisnis Anda.

Itu comixlaunch.com/kraken untuk diskon 5% seluruh proses pencetakan pertama Anda.

Peluncur Comix

Sudah waktunya untuk ComixLauncher hari ini.
ComixLauncher adalah aktivitas singkat dan dapat ditindaklanjuti yang dapat dan harus Anda lakukan sekarang, atau segera setelah mendengarkan pertunjukan. Itu semua adalah aktivitas yang saya lakukan sendiri, dan akan membawa Anda selangkah lebih dekat ke ComixLaunch yang sukses. Mereka akan mengubah Podcast ini dari aktivitas pasif dan bersandar yang berpusat di sekitar Tyler James, menjadi aktivitas aktif dan bersandar ke depan yang berpusat di sekitar ANDA.

Peluncur Comix 49
Go on Kickstarter right now, and find one campaign that would be be a good match for your next project.



“Keep your face always toward the sunshine and the shadows will fall behind you.” – Walt Whitman

Terima kasih untuk mendengarkan.

Kami akan melangkah lebih jauh ke dalam pola pikir, strategi dan taktik untuk membuat KS bekerja untuk Anda.

Terima kasih banyak untuk mendengarkan, dan karena membiarkan saya berjalan bersama Anda, saat Anda melangkah maju menuju ComixLaunch berikutnya yang sukses.

Sudahkah Anda Berlangganan, Memberi Peringkat, atau Meninjau ComixLaunch?

Jika Anda menikmati Sesi ComixLaunch ini, saya ingin Anda membantu saya ... sebenarnya, saya butuh tiga bantuan. Silakan Berlangganan, Nilai, dan Tinjau ComixLaunch di iTunes.

Mereka adalah bahan bakar roket yang digunakan untuk pertunjukan ini, dan semakin cepat Anda melakukannya, tindakan Anda akan semakin kuat. Jangan menunggu untuk memberi kami cinta!


Berikan peringkat, 1-5 bintang, dan berikan ulasan yang jujur.

Ini dapat dilakukan dalam waktu kurang dari 2 menit dan bisa membuat perbedaan besar untuk pertunjukan.

Sumber: https://www.comixlaunch.com/session049/

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