Call of Duty: Warzone baru saja mendapatkan pistol "rusak" baru – dan itu mendatangkan malapetaka

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Call of Duty: Warzone dan Modern Warfare mendapat pistol baru tadi malam – dan para pemain telah menyatakan bahwa itu dikuasai.

Pistol yang dimaksud adalah Sykov, yang dapat digunakan dengan mag 80 putaran, mode full-auto dan akimbo perk to dual-wield.

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Players have tested the pistol in Warzone, and it looks like the Sykov has an incredibly fast time-to-kill. It’s early days, but already players reckon the close-range Warzone meta has been flipped on its head.

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Call of Duty YouTuber JGOD, who regularly digs into the stats of weapons to reveal their true characteristics, went as far as to call the Sykov “broken”. With akimbo, the Sykov gives you a blistering 239ms-307ms time-to-kill, he said.

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This shouldn’t come as a surprise, really, given Sykov ditemukan oleh pemain Warzone pada bulan Februari. Pada saat itu, komunitas khawatir bahwa senjata yang dikombinasikan dengan senjata full-auto, mag 80 peluru, dan akimbo akan menimbulkan masalah. Jadi itu sudah terbukti.

Sykov secara resmi dirilis ke Modern Warfare dan Warzone tanpa pengumuman. Hal ini tampaknya terjadi secara teratur sekarang, dengan peta yang baru-baru ini ditambahkan ke Modern Warfare tanpa peringatan terlebih dahulu, dan perubahan yang dirahasiakan dalam catatan tempel Call of Duty.

Modern Warfare players are testing the Sykov in that game’s multiplayer, too. Warzone and Modern Warfare multiplayer have very different feels, of course, with time-to-kill meant to be the chief differentiator when it comes to lethality.

Warzone players have complained that the battle royale’s time-to-kill is too fast for some time now – an issue exacerbated by the integration of meta-dominating guns from Treyarch’s Black Ops Cold War.

And, more specifically on Modern Warfare, does the addition of the Sykov and, recently, new maps, suggest further support for Infinity Ward’s 2019 shooter? Fans are crossing their fingers it does.

Sementara itu, akimbo Sykov dapat dilihat di seluruh toko di Warzone.


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