
Presiden Coinbase Mendesak 'Bahkan Lapangan Bermain' untuk Regulasi Crypto

Node Sumber: 1875672

Presiden Coinbase Global Inc., Emilie Choi, mendesak regulator untuk “bidang bermain yang seimbang” di dunia regulasi keuangan. 


At Messari’s Mainnet conference in New York, Choi bertanya for transparency, clarity, and fairness from regulators. The Coinbase President appeared remotely and urged for “common-sense” rules. 

“Kami hanya ingin memastikan bahwa ada lapangan bermain yang seimbang” untuk perusahaan crypto dan penyedia layanan keuangan lainnya, kata Choi. “Kami memang ingin sampai ke tempat ini di mana hanya ada aturan dan peraturan yang masuk akal.”


Langkah itu dilakukan setelah perusahaan rencana yang dibatalkan for their latest product. Coinbase planned for the release of a new product called Lend. This program allowed crypto holders the ability for additional gains on their holdings by lending out their crypto. 

However, the SEC came after Coinbase and their Lend product. The U.S. regulators probed the company, asked for employee records, names on the product waitlist, and threatened a lawsuit. Though Coinbase had a community of support in light of the SEC comments. Celebrity investor Mark Cuban said the company should take an “aggressive” rebuttal against regulators. 

Currently, Coinbase operates the largest American cryptocurrency exchange. Its valuation hovered around $89 billion after it went public on Nasdaq. Earlier this year U.S. Customs and Immigration even purchased forensic software dari Coinbase. 

kripto tindakan keras regulasi

Recently the crypto industry felt a tightened grip from U.S. regulators. Aside from the Coinbase probe and lawsuit threat, the SEC targeted another major crypto firm. Uniswap also faces a probe from the SEC, as announced earlier this month. 

As lawmakers mull over ketentuan pajak kripto, SEC Chairman Gary Gensler detailed a roadmap for overarching crypto industry regulations. Regulators had a goal of the end of September for some type of crypto oversight. 

Meanwhile, the cryptocurrency industry remains on edge. Some participants, such as Zumo CEO Nick Jones, say regulations are the industry’s ancaman terbesar

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