Diem Networks AS Berkolaborasi dengan Integritas K2

Node Sumber: 1012950

K2 Integrity, a leading compliance, investigations, and monitoring firm, announced today that it has partnered with Diem Networks US to establish an industry-leading financial crime compliance framework.

Grafik tekan rilis shared by K2 Integrity states that the company is planning to develop innovative solutions for the Diem Networks US Financial Intelligence Function (FIF). The FIF has been developed to secure the Diem Payment Network (DPN) from illegal financial activities.

Grafik blockchain-based payment system developed by Diem Networks US has been designed to make payments faster and cost-effective. According to the company, Diemโ€™s FIF prevents illegal activities through efficient financial crime risk management tools.

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Mengomentari kemitraan tersebut, Stuart Levey, Chief Executive Officer Diem Networks US, mengatakan: โ€œMerancang kerangka kerja yang menetapkan standar kepatuhan kejahatan keuangan yang tinggi telah menjadi salah satu prioritas utama proyek Diem, dan ini adalah area di mana kami terus berinovasi . Kami sangat senang dengan kesempatan ini untuk bermitra dengan K2 Integrity, sebuah tim yang memiliki banyak pengalaman di bidang ini dan dihormati secara internasional atas kepemimpinan mereka dalam masalah anti pencucian uang dan kontra pendanaan teroris (AML/CFT).โ€

Diem Association currently has 26 members including Coinbase, Xapo, Temasek, Spotify, Ribbit Capital, Blockchain Capital and Uber.

Integritas K2

K2 Integrity is providing solutions to protect clients from risks related to illicit financial activities. During the latest announcement, the company mentioned that Mariano Federici, Managing Director at K2 Integrity, will act as the initial FIF Head. โ€œWe are proud to be partnering with Diem Networks US to continue developing innovative FIF solutions and supporting Diemโ€™s financial crime risk management program. Diemโ€™s financial crime compliance framework, which is focused on protecting the integrity of the DPN and the financial system, is setting a high bar for the virtual asset industry,โ€ Juan Zarate, Global Co-Managing Partner at K2 Integrity, commented on the latest partnership with Diem.

Sumber: https://www.financemagnates.com/fintech/news/diem-networks-us-collaborates-with-k2-integrity/

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