Perangkat lunak MetaHuman Creator gratis Epic sangat menakjubkan Seorang wanita virtual tersenyum.

Node Sumber: 810248

Epic Games diluncurkan Pencipta MetaHuman this week. It’s a videogame character creation tool, essentially, but it’s free, it isn’t followed by a 140-hour RPG, it runs in your browser (actually in the omnipresent “cloud”), and it can export ready-to-use character models for Unreal Engine projects. To try it, you have to mendaftar di sini, dan mungkin diperlukan waktu agak lama untuk menerima undangan Anda.

I’m probably never going to use one of my “MetaHumans” for an Unreal Engine project (which is all you’re allowed to use them for), because that seems hard, but MetaHuman Creator itself is easy to use. And fun. Who doesn’t love a good character creator? You can sculpt features by clicking and dragging parts of the face, as well as blend the features of included faces together, which is so effortless that it seems obvious—I’m sure the trigonometry under the hood is no big deal, right?

Ada juga pilihan granular untuk mata (bagaimana perasaan Anda tentang vaskularisasi sklera?) dan gigi (penggeser plak dikonfirmasi), pilihan kulit dan riasan, beberapa gaya rambut untuk dipilih, dan beberapa pilihan rambut wajah.

MetaHuman Creator isn’t a fully-featured 3D modeling tool, and doesn’t interpret your inputs literally, say, by moving the tip of the nose wherever you drag it. It morphs features according to your input while keeping the face within certain face-like parameters; there are constraints, and you can’t use it to make any kind of person. It includes 60 face presets, though, which is more than enough to blend and sculpt unique characters. After tinkering for under an hour I’d created someone who doesn’t really look like anyone else, but who does look like a real person. It’s pretty wild. 

And there’s something even wilder to discover. MetaHumans Creator was built by a pair of Epic-owned studios, 3Lateral and Cubic Motion, the latter of which does facial animation. The software includes three built-in animation sequences. Hit one, and your made-up human starts realistically yawning and puffing up their cheeks. The animations are nuanced enough that you can tell that the character is only berpura-pura to smile at one point—smiling for a camera. But this character, or at least their facial structure, didn’t exist an hour ago. 

Sometimes I have to shake myself out of a sort of technology numbness. 10 years ago, I did not imagine that I’d have free access to something like this. I was playing Skyrim and thought it looked really good.

Pilihan gaya rambut yang terbatas dan penyesuaian rambut yang minimal akan menunjukkan bahwa karakter tersebut dibuat dengan MetaHuman Creator, dan saya rasa setelah beberapa saat Anda mungkin melihat bentuk hidung dan telinga yang berulang serta tekstur kulit dan sebagainya. Namun seniman 3D dapat mengekspor karakter MetaHuman mereka dan mengeditnya di Autodesk Maya atau aplikasi lain, menjadikannya seunik yang mereka inginkan, lalu menganimasikannya dengan tangan atau dengan tangkapan performa mereka sendiri, menggunakan sesuatu seperti Perangkat Wajah.

Satu-satunya aturan adalah Anda hanya dapat mempublikasikan karakter yang Anda buat dengan MetaHuman Creator Mesin tidak nyata projects, binding them to Epic’s Unreal license. That license is quite permissive for small projects: You can use the Unreal development kit free, and if you publish a game made with it, you don’t pay Epic any royalties until you’ve made at least $1 million in revenue. After that, the royalty is five percent.

Untuk menggunakan rilis akses awal MetaHuman Creator ini, Anda harus mendaftar di a halaman pendaftaran. Tidak ada persyaratan untuk mendaftar, tetapi saya memerlukan waktu satu hari untuk menerima email yang menyatakan bahwa saya dapat ikut serta. 

I hadn’t used this kind of cloud-based software before, and I am reluctantly impressed. I’ve been using it via Chrome, and it reacts very near instantly to my input. Sessions are limited to one hour right now, but you can start a new session right after you get booted, and it automatically saves your work. I had to briefly queue to get back in once, but not for more than a minute.

MetaHuman Creator might be considered one aspect of Epic Games CEO Tim Sweeney’s long term vision for a gaming “metaverse,” a vision that just helped Epic pull in another $ 1 miliar dalam pendanaan. That vision encompasses lots of different ideas, including stuff like crossplay, but part of the plan is to produce technology that allows more people to make more stuff—growing the “creator economy,” in tech industry speak. (We used to call it “indie game development.”) Valve and Unity have been big players in making powerful development tools more accessible, too. 

I’m sure I can hardly imagine what small development teams will be able to produce in the future using the powerful technology of big companies like this. At the same time, it feels inevitable that a low-fi, hand-coded and modeled game development scene will continue to exist, and perhaps grow as a countermovement.


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