FFXIV: Pratinjau Kelas Baru Sage & Reaper- Apa yang Kami Ketahui Sejauh Ini

Node Sumber: 994532

Semua yang kita ketahui tentang pekerjaan Sage dan Reaper sekarang.

Final Fantasy XIV Online mengalami booming besar-besaran dalam popularitas right now, as many new players are venturing to Eorzea for the first time and returning players flock to the game ahead of the next expansion’s release. While players are currently tackling the relic weapon grind and the Jadikan acara Hujan, semua orang pasti menantikan ekspansi berikutnya, Endwalker. Pemain di seluruh dunia bersemangat untuk menjelajahi area baru, mengalami klimaks dari kisah Hydaelyn dan Zodiark, serta mendapatkan dua kelas baru yang telah diumumkan: Sage dan Reaper. Rincian lengkap tentang dua kelas ini belum terungkap. Namun terlepas dari itu, kami masih tahu sedikit tentang mereka dan bersemangat untuk menjelajahinya lebih jauh lagi!

Just to note, upon Endwalker’s release, these jobs will be accessible to any player over level 70. Also, there may be spoilers present in this article later on. So if you’re not fully caught up with the story, be aware!

Pratinjau Sage

First off is the clean and flashy Sage class. The Sage is meant to be a healer class but focused more on shielding rather than healing. It utilizes four floating gun-like objects called nouliths that the Sage uses as foci to channel their magic through. And, as can be seen from the trailer above, it’s a class with a lot of class, which makes sense considering the origins of it are from Sharlayan. In fact, the school of magic the Sage utilizes is new as well. The Sharlayans dub it somanoutics, as it is a combination of aetherology, sorcery and medicine.

While the Sharlayans may not always adopt this mentality truthfully, Sage practitioners strive to better mankind. They’re known for wisdom and compassion, common traits among healing classes. With this in mind, it certainly makes sense that Alphinaud would choose to pick up this job. As we see in the Trailer Endwalker ketika dia, Alisaie dan WoL bertarung melawan musuh baru yang mengerikan.

No specifics about the class’ abilities have been revealed yet. However, so far, it seems like the main job of the Sage is to protect party members. Damage mitigation and shields will be the main focus but buffs and augments for allies definitely would make sense too. Also, seeing as the nouliths are powered by aether, there may be mechanics present that power up spells after a certain amount of spells are cast, or something of the sort. While we don’t know much yet, we do know that the Sage looks stunning and will be a hit on release!

Pratinjau Reaper

Next up is the dark and destructive Reaper class. Wielding terrifying yet awe-inspiring scythes, Reaper is a melee DPS class that is described to have a “brutal, flamboyant fighting style”. However, it does have an interesting twist. While they devastate opponents up close, they can summon a voidsent to aid them in combat. The voidsent will likely act as a Summoner’s summon does and do some extra damage and/or buff the Reaper in some way. But that’s not all. The Reaper can host the voidsent in themselves, and while that whole interaction hasn’t been fully explained, the choice of the word “host” makes it sound quite sinister.

This also makes sense, considering that in the Endwalker trailer, Zenos took the scythe as his new weapon of choice. Sure, it establishes that he’s a pretty bad guy even more. If that was needed. But also has some interesting potential story implications. To gain the power he needs to defeat the Warrior of Light, will Zenos give his soul to an extremely powerful voidsent, just to get that single, fateful fight he’s dreamed of? And what would that make him after that? Or does he conquer over a voidsent to wrestle control of its powers?

Selain itu, kita tahu bahwa kelas Reaper sebenarnya dimulai oleh petani di tanah Kekaisaran Garlean sebelum Kekaisaran ada. Mereka didorong dari tanah asli mereka oleh pengguna misterius ke pegunungan beku di utara. Di sini, berjuang untuk bertahan hidup, beberapa dari mereka dengan berani mencari kekuatan kekosongan. Dengan itu, mereka menggunakan alat pertanian mereka sebelumnya untuk mencari nafkah. Dengan latar belakang dan estetika yang begitu tajam, Reaper adalah kelas yang degil dan yang banyak dinantikan!

Source: https://estnn.com/ffxiv-sage-reaper-new-class-previews-what-we-know-so-far/

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