Tiga Mantra yang Harus Diikuti Setiap Pengusaha Fintech (Larry Talley)

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“Always be yourself, unless you can be a unicorn. Then always be a unicorn.”

Jaime Murray

Fintech entrepreneurs face many challenges, even from the start of their budding businesses. The term “fintech” can be traced back to the early 1990s but its gained popularity in the last decade as regulators, consumers and investors join the party. The fairly new sector offers wonderful opportunities and those who break through reap the benefits, just be prepared to dance a little on that path to success.

When you’re an entrepreneur there’s one phrase that comes to mind daily: Am I a unicorn?

It’s an important question because in order for a business to succeed, and the entrepreneur behind it, they need to not be like everyone else. They need to be something different, do something unique, and offer something new or better than what’s out there.

While there may be tough times ahead for an aspiring fintech leader, there are also mentors and successful industry leaders who have learned along the way. Here are three mantras that every fintech entrepreneur should follow:

Read a book a day. Okay, a book a day may not be physically possible while launching a fintech empire. However, reading is at the crux of learning not only more about the industry, how to succeed, and other companies – but learning more about what inspires, pushes boundaries, and drives personal growth. Always be reading.

Lakukan pekerjaan. This seems obvious but it needs to be said again and again. Hard work truly pays off even though it’s not easy. Come back every day and put in the effort because doing that consistently is what leads to results. Any fintech entrepreneur will say the same and show the result of their hard work by where they are today.

Be passionate and have a purpose. It’s important to be passionate about what you’re doing because that passion inspires a dedication and focus on work. Having a purpose is just as critical. Every entrepreneur begins their journey with some type of purpose or reason for setting off on this enterprising adventure. Sometimes just using that knowledge gained along the way to teach and help others grow is all the purpose needed to continue towards success.

The journey of entrepreneurship is not for the faint of heart, but the lessons learned, and experiences garnered propel growth allowing you to reach your greatest potential, and even quite possibly becoming a unicorn.

Source: https://www.finextra.com/blogposting/21176/three-mantras-every-fintech-entrepreneur-should-follow?utm_medium=rssfinextra&utm_source=finextrablogs

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