Tiger Woods mengira dia berada di Florida setelah kecelakaan berkecepatan tinggi

Node Sumber: 806415

Sheriff Wilayah Los Angeles Alex Villanueva (Getty Images).

Golf great Tiger Woods wasn’t sure where he was when a sheriff’s deputy interviewed him after his one-mobil jatuh pada bulan Februari, menurut laporan setebal 22 halaman yang diperoleh USA Today.

Woods berada di Los Angeles untuk The Asal Penampilan undangan dan promosi tetapi memberi tahu deputi bahwa dia mengira dia berada di Florida, tempat dia bertempat tinggal permanen.

Laporan tersebut merinci percakapan antara deputi Kyle Sullivan dan Woods, yang terjadi di rumah sakit saat Woods menerima jahitan karena cedera di wajahnya.

“I then asked (Woods) if he is able to tell me about what happened regarding the traffic collision,” Sullivan wrote. Woods “told me he did not remember being involved in a traffic collision. (Woods) thought he was currently in the state of Florida.”

A deputy found Woods’ backpack at the scene, and in a pocket found an empty, unlabeled pill bottle. But investigators decided it was irrelevant to the crash.

The report also revealed that Woods’ blood pressure had fallen “too low to administer any type of pain medication” in the immediate aftermath of the crash, which left the 82-time PGA Tour winner with serious injuries to his right leg.

Hal ini juga menegaskan bahwa Woods mengemudi dalam garis lurus ketika dia seharusnya mencoba menavigasi tikungan mempercepat pada pagi hari tanggal 23 Februari.

Sheriff Alex Villanueva mengatakan pada hari Rabu pada konferensi pers di pusat kota Los Angeles bahwa tidak ada tanda-tanda kerusakan pada Woods, yang tidak akan menghadapi tuntutan atau tuntutan apa pun atas kecelakaan pada 23 Februari itu. 

Deputi Sullivan mengatakan dia tidak melihat tanda-tanda Woods sedang minum atau berada di bawah pengaruh suatu zat. Dia mengatakan Woods membantah mengambil apa pun dan dengan cepat menjawab pertanyaan.

“The primary cause or factor for this traffic collision was driving at a speed unsafe for the road conditions and inability to negotiate the curve of the roadway,” Villanueva said.

Villanueva said Woods’ Genesis SUV was traveling an estimated 84 to 87 mph on a stretch of road that has a speed limit of 45 mph.

Woods, 45, menabrak median yang meninggi, melintasi dua jalur berlawanan dan menumbangkan pohon sebelum terguling di Rolling Hills Estates, tepat di luar Los Angeles.

“Had (Woods) applied his brakes to reduce his speed or steered to correct the direction of travel, he would not have collided with the center median and the collision would not have occurred,” said Sgt. Michael Downing, per the report.

Sumber: https://www.autoblog.com/2021/04/09/tiger-woods-crash-report/

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