Valorant pro memamerkan tempat wall bang yang gila di Breeze

Node Sumber: 1859086

Lokasi dentuman tembok baru ini akan membuat musuhmu berpikir dua kali sebelum menanam Spike. 

Memukul dinding adalah taktik umum yang digunakan pemain untuk melukai musuh melalui dinding dan material lain dari posisi aman. Taktik ini bisa digunakan untuk melukai lawan atau menjauhkan mereka dari posisi tertentu. Untungnya, Valorant memiliki banyak dinding kertas yang bisa Anda tembus dan membuat musuh lengah. 

Valorant players don’t shy away from exploiting fragile walls, but Breeze is still new to having popular “bangable” spots. Thanks to Team Liquid pro player Dom “soulcas” Sulcas, a new wall bang on Breeze has come into public view, and it’s deadlier than any before. 

In a game against TenStar at VCT 3 EU Challengers 2 against, Soulcas found himself in an awkward one-versus-two situation, and was stuck in Breeze’s A-main. The enemy Cypher and Viper spared no effort to get to the Spike and defuse it. Viper successfully reached the Spike, which was planted for a right-pyramid corner, a spot impossible for Soulcas to watch with Cypher aleady eyeing him. To keep Viper away, Soulcas spammed his Operator through metal doors and injured the enemy to low health. Another bullet would have finished off Viper if Cypher hadn’t obstructed his mission, assisting his teammate in defusing the package. 

While Soulcas failed to win the round due to the timer, it was evident that this wall bang is powerful. Here’s how you can do it in the game. 

  • Tanam Spike untuk Piramida kanan, yang merupakan tempat lebih aman daripada tanaman terbuka. 
  • Ambil posisi di luar jalan utama A, di belakang dinding logam kanan. 
  • Bidik di area antara strip logam dan dinding sisi kanan, seperti yang ditunjukkan dalam gambar. 

There’s nothing better than one-upping your enemies with an old fashioned wall bang. Especially in a one-versus-one or one-versus-two situation, this tactic can help you gain an edge without putting yourself in harm’s way. This particular wall bang could be super helpful in clutch situations.

Apakah Cypher agen yang bagus untuk bermain di Breeze? 

Cypher is a great agent to watch flanks, but on a large map like Breeze, his toolkit may come up short. While his camera can still be helpful, the rest of his equipment may fail to deliver. If you want to use a Sentinel, try picking Sage, who can play passively while contributing by boosting her team’s health. Generally speaking, Initiators should be your top pick to win games on Breeze.


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