
Kreditor Factom Menolak Permintaan Pendanaan, Dipaksa Menjadi Likuidasi

Factom, sebuah perusahaan blockchain, gagal mendapatkan pendanaan lebih lanjut untuk mempertahankan dirinya. Akibatnya, perseroan kini terpaksa memulai proses likuidasi.Likuidasi Setelah Gagal Mendapatkan Lebih Banyak PendanaanMelalui pemberitahuan yang diterbitkan pada tanggal 2 April 2020, FastForward, investor terbesar di dalam perusahaan, mengumumkan “peristiwa pembubaran” kepada publik. Melalui keterangannya, FastForward menjelaskan bahwa direksi Factom dalam rapat dewan tanggal 31 Maret telah mencapai kesimpulan. Kesimpulan ini adalah, karena kurangnya dana di masa depan

Factom Menghadapi Likuidasi Setelah Kreditor Menolak Permintaan Pendanaan

After failing to source additional funding, blockchain company Factom has begun the process of being liquidated. In an April 2 notice to investors, Factom’s largest investor FastForward announced the “dissolution event”: "The Company has been notified by the directors of Factom that in a board meeting on 31 March 2020 they concluded that, in the absence of further funding, they now needed to begin the process of assignment of assets for the benefit of creditors.”Citing their failure to secure additional funding, FastForward declared Factom would now enter receivership. As Factom’s largest creditor,