לסוני יש לכאורה תוכנית נגדית ל-Xbox Game Pass

צומת המקור: 810521


Xbox Game Pass is deemed as one of the best subscription models for fans of games based on value for money. Xbox users get a roster of games every month at no extra charge, and all first-party titles release on day one on the subscription too. סוני has no equivalent to offer PlayStation fans, but apparently, there’s something in the works.

The closest thing PlayStation fans have to Xbox Game Pass is PlayStation Now. The subscription service allows users to access a roster of games, but these are a few years old. No first-party titles release through the service on day one either. The service streams games, so it’s more unreliable than the full-game downloads you get with Xbox Game Pass.

In a recent YouTube stream, David Jaffe, the Director for God of War, claimed that Sony had told him about a counterpunch they had in the works for Xbox Game Pass. However, he doesn’t know when it will release, or what the details of the service are.

As recently as November last year, Sony Interactive Entertainment CEO ג'ים ריאן said that news was coming soon for the company’s plan to combat Xbox Game Pass. Since then though, nothing has been said.

Xbox Game Pass has undoubtedly been the best thing for Xbox since the Xbox 360. The service provides players with hundreds of titles, removing any need to purchase games. While it’s still possible to buy games online, the service has so many free ones that users can get away with a subscription, a console, and nothing else.

Sony, on the other hand, has always seemed to push users to purchase the most recent exclusives. While PlayStation Plus offers a few free games each month, it’s a hard cost to justify the benefits, unless a user wants to play multiplayer online.

Without an equivalent to Xbox Game Pass, Sony is on the backfoot. The company will constantly be battling to combat the service while it doesn’t offer users anything similar. Clearly, the service isn’t going anywhere on Xbox, so Sony will need to come up with something very special to make PlayStation the best place to play once again.

Source: https://wholesgame.com/news/sony-allegedly-has-a-counterplan-for-xbox-game-pass/

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