全国的な禁止令が切れた後も、賃借人は 10 の州で立ち退きから保護されています

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State protections still in effect

To begin, at least four states – Massachusetts, Nevada, New York and Oregon – are temporarily banning evictions of those with a pending rental assistance application.

If you haven’t applied for the aid yet and are worried about eviction, you should do so as soon as possible, experts say. The National Low Income Housing Coalition has a state-by-state list of the 484 programs giving out the aid.

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau also has 新しいツール to help you apply for rental relief. If you’re approved, you could get up to 18 months of your rent covered.

Evictions are still banned in some places.

Illinois’ eviction moratorium will be in effect through August, and Maryland’s until 8月15. The eviction ban in Hawaii expires on 8月6.

カリフォルニアでは、 1.6万人の賃借人 滞納している可能性があり、ほとんどの家主は立ち退きを進めることができない XNUMX月まで.

In Washington, D.C., landlords can’t begin evictions again until Aug. 26, and only at that point if they’d filed the paperwork prior to the pandemic. In these cases, you must be given 30 days notice. Other evictions in D.C. can’t resume until Oct. 12, and you must be provided with at least 60 days notice.

ニューヨーク は、Covid関連の後退に耐えたテナント、または移動が健康上のリスクをもたらす可能性のあるテナントのために、立ち退きのモラトリアムをXNUMX月まで延長しました. 資格を得るには、賃借人は提出する必要があります 苦難の形 彼らの家主に。

ニュージャージー州の賃貸人 XNUMX月までは家から追い出されない.

Other state policies are a little more complicated, but can help renters stay in their homes nonetheless.

For example, renters in Oregon can’t be evicted for rent owed between the months of April 2020 and June 2021, and they have until the end of February 2022 to make up those payments.

Similarly, in Washington, landlords are not allowed to serve an eviction for rental arrears racked up between Feb. 29, 2020 and July 31, 2021.

Meanwhile, in Connecticut, landlords can’t move forward with an eviction unless they’ve applied for federal rental assistance. And if they file an eviction before October, they need to provide tenants with 30 days’ notice.

The rules can get complicated fast, and sometimes landlords ignore them.

Anyone at risk of eviction should seek free legal help, experts say. You can do so at LawHelp.org またはと 法務サービス株式会社.

Source: https://www.cnbc.com/2021/08/02/some-states-will-continue-to-ban-evictions-.html

