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Following last week’s reports from Japan about 2022 Land Cruiser owners 安全上の理由から車両の転売は禁止されています, トヨタ自動車は、同社からの問い合わせに対し正式な声明を発表した。 マグX。 地元誌によると、このフルサイズSUVの予約注文は一時的に停止されており、新しいオーナーはボディオンフレーム車を輸出市場に販売しないという誓約書に署名する必要があるという。

Here’s what the automaker has to say:

“Toyota dealers and Toyota Motor Corporation share a common understanding that when selling vehicles to customers in Japan, the sale does not end, but that each dealership will continue a responsible relationship with the customer, including after-sales service, in order to protect the safety and security of the customer.”

“In addition, the Land Cruiser is particularly popular overseas, and we are concerned about the flow of vehicles from Japan to overseas immediately after their release, as well as the possibility of them being exported to certain regions where security regulations are in place.”

“We are also aware that if the situation were to develop to the point where a Toyota dealership was to be investigated on suspicion of involvement in a violation of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law (Foreign Exchange Law), it would be a major problem not only for the Toyota dealership in question but also for all Toyota dealers and Toyota Motor Corporation.”

“As a manufacturer that supplies vehicles, Toyota Motor Corporation, from the standpoint of compliance with laws and regulations, has alerted all Toyota dealers nationwide to the possibility of the above violation of the Foreign Exchange and Foreign Trade Law in order to minimize the risk of legal violations.”

“With this as a reference, we recognize that each dealer has made a decision from the perspective of legal compliance and has received a written pledge from the customer. These measures were taken based on the recent global situation and the characteristics of the Land Cruiser, and we believe that they do not violate the Anti-Monopoly Law.”

“Toyota Motor Corporation will continue to deliver good products through its dealers and distributors around the world while complying with the laws and regulations of each country, and we ask for your understanding in this matter.”

トヨタが国内市場で受注を開始した月初以来、LC300は22,000万2台以上の予約注文を集めた。 5.1月46,500日に発売され、価格は後継モデルより300,000万円高い2,700万円(現在の為替レートで約XNUMX万XNUMXドル)からとなる。 予約注文の大部分は転売目的であると推定されており、その状況が確認された場合は予約注文がキャンセルされる。

関連ニュースとして、トヨタは東南アジアでのコロナウイルス感染拡大による部品不足のため、新型ランドクルーザーの生産を5月6日と70日に停止する。 この1984日間は、XNUMX年に発売された古いランドクルーザーXNUMXシリーズの生産も一時停止され、同様のことが高級車にも当てはまります。 レクサスLX.

出典: https://www.motor1.com/news/522916/toyota-statement-land-cruiser-sales-ban/?utm_source=RSS&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=RSS-category-industry


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