025 – The ComixLaunch Mission, Guiding Principles, and Goals for 2016

소스 노드 : 1288405

Is a Kickstarter project in the cards for you in 2016? If so, this session will give you 7 principles to guide your effective use of the Kickstarter platform, and help you set both outcome and performance based goals that make success inevitable.


This session is sponsored by KrakenPrint.

Need a reliable printer for your next comic book or graphic novel print run? Then you need to unleash the Kraken. Head to ComixLaunch.com/kraken for 5% off your entire first order.

First Session in a brand new year of episodes. Committing to 52 more weekly episodes of ComixLaunch.
If this is the first time you’re listening, welcome. You’re joining an engaged, passionate, committed audience of creators serious about learning what works to move their careers forward… and come here specifically to learn about the mindset, strategies, and tactics.

Please dive into our archive:

  • Mindset — How having the right mindset toward Kickstarter determines success, Emotional rollercoaster,
  • Strategies — Social triggers at play, Retailer outreach, SWOT analysis
  • Tactics — Pros and cons of early bird rewards, promoting Kickstarters at conventions, how to create a great project image

For this first episode, we’re going to pull back a bit.  This is a mindset and framing episode, which is how I like to start the new year.  의 개념 변환 is an idea I’m kind of obsessed with.
At it’s heart, every great podcast, book, course, or training is a vehicle of transformation.
You’re going to spend the next 20-30 minutes with me…and for that to be time well spent and not time well wasted, a transformation needs to take place…

When I look back at my many years of formal (K-12, undergraduate, and graduate school) and informal (books, podcast, seminars, training programs) education, what separates the exceptional from the mediocre is that I was a different person at the end of the great courses than I was going in.
This podcast is meant to be informative, and educational, and hopefully a little entertaining now and again… but it’s true value is in the little transformations it can make in you, the ComixLaunch listener.
I hope to make this show something that equips you with the confidence, and knowledge, and skills, and resources to take action and build your creative careers.

So, stick with us this year. Subscribe to the podcast on iTunes or Sticher, get on our email list at ComixLaunch.com, and if we do our job right, you can be confident that you’ll be a different, hopefully better creator by listening to this show.
Transformation… it’s powerful, and can be applied to everything… including your comics.
When you’re working on your stories, make sure you can answer the question, “How will a reader be different after reading your book?”
Will you make them laugh or cry? Will you make them angry? Will you make them think?

오늘의 주제

  • Share the ComixLaunch vision and Mission
  • Share our 7 guiding principles
  • Share our goals for 2016

ComixLaunch Mission and Vision
ComixLaunch was founded with a clear vision, mission, and set of guiding principles that drive how we approach the Kickstarter platform and building a career in comics.
The ComixLaunch Mission
To help comic book creators harness the power of the Kickstarter platform to fund their projects and advance their careers.
원칙 안내
Our mission and guiding principles are interwoven throughout the podcast.
It is our hope that listeners will come to adopt these core beliefs and guiding principles as your own, and that they will positively impact your creative endeavors.

7 Guiding Principles

  • 1) Each of us is 100% in control of our own success or failure. We are responsible, accountable, and the buck stops with us.
    Make solutions, not excuses.
    There are millions of things outside of our control…
    But Our worlds are shaped by the things we focus on…
    Things are going to happen…
    Fufillment delayed more than two weeks at Customs. Full Cthulhu plush body cavity search? Checking beanie bums for meth?
    I’m not responsible for that… but I’m entirely responsible for how I communicate the delay to my audience. How I choose to make it right.
  • 2) Success on Kickstarter is not defined by hitting a funding goal or producing a product, but rather by satisfying every backer to the best of our ability and advancing our careers to the next level.
    50%, 9%, XX% fulfilled but left them financially, emotionally, or physically drained… more burden than blessing.
  • 3) Whether Kickstarter is a finite or renewable resource is not set in stone… it depends on how we use the platform.
    세션 2
  • 4) Hitting a Kickstarter goal is far less important than the person we become in the pursuit of that goal.
    Journey, not the destination.
    Two types of goal setters.
    1) Set a lofty goal, and then focus on how far away that goal is from their current reality.
    2) Set a lofty goal, then focus on how far they’ve come from where they started, and the very next exciting step along the path to that goal.
    Guess what… if the very next step in your career path, whatever it is, isn’t something that excites you… that thrills you to your very core, that’s a problem.
    JJ Abrams, pinnacle of his career… just relaunched star wars, GOAT franchise, biggest thing ever…
    Next logical step in his career.
    The thrill is not emotionally any bigger than any of the other projects he worked on… and the fact that he took on each project with passion and excitement, lead to him getting there.
  • 5) As creators, we need to believe it in order to see it. That makes us special, and the world needs people like us.
    We’re weird people. Most people are passive consumers of the world and what it has to offer.
    "미래를 예측하는 가장 좋은 방법은 미래를 만드는 것입니다."
    Year end review, looked over my planner and journal that I use to keep myself organized, and there (include in show notes) was a rough branstorming bubble outline of a Kickstarter for Comic Books and Graphic Novels podcast. Didn’t exist… so I built it.
    And less than a year later, we’ve got a show with 25 episodes, thousands of downloads, and a course with students soon to launch.
    A big reason why Kickstarter is successful is because people want us to succeed… and backers want to be a part of creating something, because most people lack the courage and conviction and resilience to create something new.
    But ComixLaunch listeners, we aren’t most people.
  • 6) When we must choose between doing what’s right and doing what’s easy, we’ll choose what’s right every time.
    There will come a time in your career or your Kickstarter campaigning where doing the right thing is going to be painful, costly, or uncomfortable.
    But in the long run, being known as a stand-up creator who does things the right way is going to pay off.
    It’s easier to stay in bed until 8 or 9 or 10 am… but its very rare that the easy path is the path to greatness.
  • 7) We are all stewards of the Kickstarter platform. We will not take it for granted, and we’ll leave it better than we found it.
    And this last one is really important… we are incredibly lucky to be living in the time we are. Hell, I’m sitting here in my office talking into a microphone… and being listened to around the world, by hundreds or thousands… on your way to work, at the gym, in the car, at the drawing table… now and in the future.
    I’m working with comic book creators all over the world, some of whom I’ve never met in person.
    There’s never been more great free resources out there online, and some tremendous paid resources as well.
    Every few months, a new tool comes out that makes my life, business, world a little bit easier or more manageable.
    And we have Kickstarter, a platform that’s helped the everyman creator, guys like you and me, raise millions of dollars to bring thousands of comic projects to life.

Two kinds of goals —

  • Outcome Based Goals 
  • 결과
    Specific, measurable outcomes
    Not 100% in your control
    Performance based goals
    behavioral and activity based
    100% in your control
  • 코믹스 런치 Outcome Based Goals 2016. By December 31, 2016…
    20K 다운로드
    1K Subscribers on our Mailing List
    35 학생
    20 Successful Projects Launched — Most important one
  • Performance Based Goals
    Record and release 52 episodes of ComixLaunch
    Bring on at least 20 new guests.
    Create at least 4 great offers to incentivize email list sign-ups
    Run The ComixLaunch Course at least 3 times in 2016.

미드 롤 스폰서

In a moment, I’m going to give you today’s ComixLauncher, but first, we need to thank our sponsor.
작년에 ComixTribe는 인쇄에 거의 85,000 달러를 썼습니다.
우리는 책을 시장에 내놓기 위해 여러 프린터에 의존하지만, 강력히 추천 할 수있는 프린터는 크래프트 프린트...
Kraken Print의 친구 Jacob Way와 Sam Amborn은 다음을 제공합니다.
경쟁력있는 가격.
특히 첫 번째 오프셋 인쇄 실행을위한 훌륭한 고객 서비스.
집에 수백 또는 수천 권의 책을 저장하지 않으려는 경우 월간 저장 용량.
주문을 분류하고 배송에 대해 특별히 협의 된 할인 요금으로 다이아몬드 또는 코믹 스토어로 직접 배송하는 것을 포함한 배포 옵션.
그리고 이제 그들은 Kickstarter 이행도 제공합니다! 크라켄은 후원자를 위해 주문을 선별, 포장 및 배송합니다.
If you want to unleash the Kraken, go to comixlaunch.com/kraken , mention the ComixLaunch podcast, and they’re going to knock 5% off your first print run…and they’re going to hook us up with a 5% credit.
그것은 고전적인 승리 / 승리 / 승리 / 승리입니다 – 당신은 인쇄에 큰 가격을 얻고, 후원자들은 아름다운 오프셋 인쇄 된 책을 얻습니다.
That’s comixlaunch.com/kraken / C-o-m-i-xlaunch.com/kraken for 5% off your entire first print run.


오늘의 ComixLauncher를위한 시간입니다.
ComixLauncher는 지금 당장 또는 쇼를 들은 직후에 할 수 있고 해야 하는 짧고 실행 가능한 활동입니다. 모두 제가 직접 해본 활동이며 성공적인 ComixLaunch에 한걸음 더 다가가도록 도와드리겠습니다. 그들은 이 팟캐스트를 타일러 제임스(Tyler James)를 중심으로 한 수동적이고 기대어 있는 활동에서 귀하를 중심으로 한 활동적이고 앞으로 기울어지는 활동으로 변화시킬 것입니다.

코믹스런처 – 025
Write down your number one Outcome based goal for 2016

Make sure it’s specific, measurable, attainable but ambitious, and time-bound.
Now, right down 1-3 performance based goals… activities you will commit to doing that are 100% within your power, that will make achieving your Outcome based goal inevitable.
Sharing goals with others makes them more real, and more likely to be achieved, so if you’d like to share your with me, I’d love to hear it. [이메일 보호] subject ComixLauncher 025


This session has framed what ComixLaunch is all about in 2016.
I shared the 7 principles that guide how we see the Kickstarter platform, and our mission and vision.
And we talked goal setting… and I shared my personal goals both outcome and performance based for this show, the course, and for all of you guys out there.
If you’re listening, thanks for helping me get one listener closer to my goals for this show, and I hope ComixLaunch is returning the favor, by getting you one step closer to your next successful Kickstarter project.

Quote – Napolean Hill

“Whatever the mind can conceive and believe, the mind can achieve.”

I for one, can’t wait to see all the great things ComixLaunch listeners achieve in 2016.
다음 번 성공적인 ComixLaunch를 향한 또 다른 발걸음을 내딛어 들어 주셔서 감사합니다.

마무리 행동 촉구



You’ve been listening ComixLaunch with Tyler James. Visit ComixLaunch.com, C-O-M-I-X Launch.com, for this episode’s show notes and additional resources to help you crowdfund your comic book & graphic novel projects on Kickstarter… and Beyond!

출처 : https://www.comixlaunch.com/session025/

타임 스탬프 :

Republished By Plato 프랜차이즈