자동차의 순간 – 거대 기술 기업과 자동차 산업

소스 노드 : 806844

The power of digital ecosystems are present in automotive today,
largely through the connected lifestyle we enjoy outside the car.
Today, Tech Giants like Apple, Amazon, Baidu, DiDi, Google,
Tencent, and others provide a pass-through for accessing the
messaging, media, and mapping content that each provide.

그러나 이것이 Tech Giants의 끝이 아닙니다.

These players are quickly investing to capture more of the
mobility market by either becoming a vehicle manufacturer or by
partnering with one for custom-built vehicles. These new vehicles
will be electric, fully-connected 24-7, and have updatable
autonomous driving solutions. IHS Markit forecasts a half a million
of these pod-cars will be built in China alone by 2031.

But don’t expect to be able to buy one of these pod-cars… they
will almost certainly be reserved for ride-sharing, car-sharing, or
logistics and fleet applications only.

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07년 2021월 XNUMX일 작성자 마크 보야지스, 글로벌 기술 리드, 자동차 자문팀

Source: http://ihsmarkit.com/research-analysis/an-automotive-minute–tech-giants-and-the-auto-industry.html

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