
Nintendo, 영국 최초의 전국 중학교 e 스포츠 토너먼트 지원

소스 노드 : 1866385

Digital Schoolhouse (DSH), the education initiative from UK games industry trade body Ukie, has announced a new junior school esports tournament.

The DSH junior esports tournament competition has been put together in partnership with Nintendo UK and British game developer Outright Games following a pilot last year.

It’s for students aged 8 to 11 and features Switch games Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Race with Ryan and Crayola Scoot, as announced in this article on the Digital Schoolhouse website.

Teachers are also able to use plug in resources to use different games as they teach students about roles in the games industry, with activities mapped to subjects on the curriculum including Computing, English, Maths, Design & Technology (DT) and Personal, Social, Health and Economic Education (PSHE).

The junior school esports pilot scheme last year found that 84% of pupils wanted more lessons in school similar to the esports tournament, while 55% of teachers reported that their pupils’ level of attainment was higher than usual. And 91% of teachers reported that pupils were either very or extremely interested in careers in games.

“It is great that we can deliver a tailored educational programme using Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, so primary school pupils can also engage and get hands on experiences in a multitude of important roles developing and running a nationwide innovative tournament.”

Kalpesh Tailor, Nintendo UK

Digital Schoolhouse will also run its separate Super Smash Bros Ultimate Team Battle esports tournament for 12 to 18 year olds

Kalpesh Tailor, head of communications of Nintendo UK, commented: “We are thrilled in our role as lead partner for Digital Schoolhouse to be bringing yet another transformative and inspiring programme to young pupils across the UK with Nintendo Switch.

“In the past year our partnership has reached over 10,000 pupils and 1,000 teams in schools and colleges across the UK with the Super Smash Bros. Ultimate Team Battle tournament. We have seen first-hand the positive impact this has had on pupils who have benefited from teamwork, strategy and social improvements.

“It is great that we can deliver a tailored educational programme using Mario Kart 8 Deluxe so primary school pupils can also engage and get hands on experiences in a multitude of important roles developing and running a nationwide innovative tournament.”

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타임 스탬프 :

더보기 e 스포츠 뉴스 영국

이번 시즌 런던 스핏파이어에 이어 패배의 아픔에 대해 Hangar 9의 Tony Ray와의 인터뷰: '우리가 끔찍하다는 것을 받아들이는 과정이었습니다. 어느 팀이 더 나쁜지 경쟁을 하게 되다니… 기분은 나쁘지만 훌쩍훌쩍 나가지는 않았습니다. 우리는 달콤한 밤을 조용히 보내지 않았습니다. 우리는 XNUMX승을 거두었습니다.'

소스 노드 : 1865974
타임 스탬프 : 3년 2021월 XNUMX일