거래 없음: 진보주의자들이 움직이기를 거부한 후 연기된 인프라 투표

소스 노드 : 1876895

업데이트(2330ET): House Democrats called off a Thursday night vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure package after the Progressive Caucus was unconvinced by leadership’s proposed ‘bicameral framework’ to move forward on the legislation.

To review – House progressives have threatened to sink the Senate-passed infrastructure deal unless the moderate Democrats in the Senate agree to pass the $3.5 trillion social spending package. And with moderate Senate Democrats Joe Manchin (WV) and Kyrsten Sinema (AZ) refusing to vote on legislation unless – according to Manchin – it’s no more than $1.5 trillion, it appears 큰 변화가 이루어지지 않는 한 인프라 거래는 실패할 운명입니다..

"오늘밤 거래는 안 돼, 정말 안 돼,” said Manchin, after leaving a meeting with White House officials and Sinema, per the 월스트리트 저널. “We just—we need a little bit more time,” he added.

민주당은 인프라 법안에 대한 목요일 투표를 연기한 후 금요일 협상을 재개할 것으로 예상되었습니다., 그들은 법안에 대한 예정된 투표를 두 번째로 연기했습니다. 이 법안은 복잡한 협상에서 영향력을 유지하기 위해 상원이 더 광범위한 사회 정책 법안을 통과시킬 때까지 투표를 원하지 않는 자유 민주당원들의 반대에 직면했습니다. 인프라 법안은 도로, 교량, 항만 개선 및 광대역 인터넷 접속 확대에 자금을 지원하게 됩니다. -WSJ

의회 진보당 간부회 의장 Pramila Jayapal(D-WA)(사진: michael reynolds/epa/Shutterstock)

일부 보좌관은 이렇게 말했다. Journal Manchin이 2조 달러 규모의 제안을 받아들일 것이라고 확신할 수도 있지만 의회 진보당 간부회 의장인 Pramila Jayapal(D-WA)은 목요일에 대부분의 민주당원이 제안을 원한다고 말했습니다. 훨씬 더 큰 패키지, and still plan to vote against the infrastructure bill until it’s passed by the Senate.

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House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said in a Thursday night “Dear Colleague” letter that it’s been a “day of progress,” and that “Discussions continue with the House, Senate and White House to reach a bicameral framework agreement to Build Back Better through a reconciliation bill.

를 통해 펀치 볼 뉴스' 제이크 셔먼:

이에 따르면 LA타임스' Nolan McCaskill, the infrastructure vote may happen on Friday, as a source tells him that House progressives are being presented with a “framework” as we speak.

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업데이트(1930ET): 바이든 대통령은 자정 셧다운을 피하고 3월 XNUMX일까지 정부에 자금을 지원하는 내용의 계속 결의안에 서명했다고 한다. 블룸버그.

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업데이트(1546ET): The House has OK’d the Senate-passed Continuing Resolution (CR) by a 254-175 vote – avoid a government shutdown at midnight, after the Senate passed the stopgap spending bill 65-35.

Next stop, Biden’s desk.

이 법안은 민주당이 월요일 공화당 상원의원들에 의해 저지된 법안과 부채 지연 정지를 연결하려는 이전 시도를 제거한 후에야 통과되었습니다.

It also does not include a proposed $1 billion allocation for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system pushed by GOP lawmakers. That said, the House has already passed a standalone bill to provide that funding, which the Senate may soon take up.

이번 조치로 인해 정부는 3월 XNUMX일까지 자금 지원을 받게 되며 그 이후에는 새로운 지속 결의안(CR)을 제출할 수 있습니다. 그것은 포함 난민 재정착에 28.6억 달러 지원 아프가니스탄 사태에서.

According to House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA), her chamber will take up the bill on Thursday, where it’s expected to receive overwhelming support.

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업데이트(1340ET): 미국 상원은 3월 XNUMX일까지 정부 자금을 연장하여 오늘 밤 자정에 폐쇄를 방지하는 법안을 통과시킬 만큼 충분한 표를 얻었습니다.

The bill will next move to the House, which is expected to clear it for President Biden’s signature this afternoon.

한편, the rest of the Democrat’s agenda remains in limbo, after Rep. Pramila Jayapal said House progressives were “in the same place” following a meeting with Speaker Pelosi regarding their refusal to vote ‘yes’ on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill without concurrently passing the $3.5 trillion economic blueprint.

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While Congressional Democrats are nowhere near a deal on a $3.5 trillion social spending package, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi planning to move forward with a Thursday vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that’s doomed to fail due to party infighting, 공화당은 그들에게 소소한 승리를 안겨줄 예정입니다.

목요일 미치 매코넬 상원 원내대표(공화당-KY)는 다음과 같이 예측했습니다. 상원은 다음을 통과시킬 것이다 지속적인 해결(CR) to avoid a partial government shutdown – 이는 충분한 수의 공화당 상원의원들이 오늘 오후 표결이 예정된 민주당 법안을 지지할 것임을 시사합니다.

“The Continuing Resolution contains a number of key items that Republicans call for,” said McConnell. “That includes supplemental funds to resettle Afghan refugees, and hurricane recovery aid for Louisiana.”

McConnell then said it was “seriously disappointing” that Democrats wouldn’t let them fund Israel’s Iron Dome, adding “It honestly baffles me that defensive aid to our ally, Israel, has become a thorny subject for the political left. But overall, this is encouraging progress.”

“On government funding, what Republicans laid out all along was a plain, continuing resolution, without the poison pill of a debt limit increase. That’s exactly what we’ll pass today."

CR은 다음을 통해 정부에 일시적으로 자금을 제공하는 임시방편입니다. 12월 3rd, 이 시점에서 의회는 남은 회계연도에 자금을 지원하기 위해 또 다른 CR을 발행해야 합니다.

우리가 지적했듯이 이른 목요일, the Democrats’ hopes of passing 4.6조 XNUMX천억 달러의 법안 곧 날씬해 보일 것 같아요.

온건파 민주당 상원의원 조 맨친(웨스트버지니아) refusing on Wednesday to back his party’s $3.5 trillion spending plan  – calling it the “definition of fiscal insanity,” Speaker Nancy Pelosi still plans to hold a vote on the $1.2 trillion infrastructure bill that House progressives vowed to sink unless the $3.5 trillion plan was passed in tandem.

“So far, so good for today,” said Pelosi at a press conference following a meeting with her leadership team, adding “We’re on a path to win the vote.”

According to Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark, even if the bill doesn’t pass today, the impact will be limited.

“Whether that vote happens today, and I hope it does, this is not over,” she told 블룸버그 TV, adding ““If we haven’t reached that point in our negotiations, our commitment is to getting this entire agenda done, and that will happen.”

좋은 성과 있길 바래요.

In short, looks like the government won’t shut down – but the debt ceiling and the spending packages 불명예에 머물다.

출처: https://www.zerohedge.com/political/mcconnell-signals-gop-support-avoid-government-shutdown

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