Następna duża aktualizacja Call of Duty: Warzone zawiera Johns Rambo i McClane

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A pair of ’80s action heroes are coming to the Call of Duty franchise. John McClane and John Rambo are both heading to Call of Duty: Warzone, Zimna wojna w Black Ops, Call of Duty Aplikacje mobilne this month as part of the season 3 mid-season update. These new characters were teased by Activision on social media leading up to the reveal. The update is due to arrive on May 20.

Rambo and McClane both have iconic weapons that they could bring to Call of Duty, like Rambo’s compound bow and explosive arrows. John McClane’s a little more traditional, known for his pistol and machine gun. Fans have been sharing pictures of the two characters in-game online, although some fans are noting that the models look a little off.

Nakatomi Plaza is also shown in Activision’s teaser image, which is the office building where Szklana pułapka takes place. It was the site of a back-and-forth battle between McClane and a band of terrorists led by Hans Gruber, which would make it appropriate for a possible in-game map.


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