Wyjaśnienie, jak leczyć w Hadesie

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Wyjaśniono, jak leczyć w Hadesie.

Wyjaśniono, jak leczyć w Hadesie. / Zdjęcie dzięki uprzejmości Supergiant Games

Knowing how to heal in Hades can be mighty important, as the game is fairly stingy when it comes to restoring lost health. In fact, much of the time you’ll have to choose between healing up after the game’s many dangerous rooms or taking an upgrade that will make you more powerful in the long term, weighing short-term survival against long-term odds of success.

Oto różne sposoby odzyskiwania zdrowia podczas wspinaczki z Zaświatów.

Najczęstszym sposobem leczenia w Hadesie jest ukończenie pomieszczenia, za które otrzymasz Serce Centaura. Można je rozpoznać na drzwiach po kształcie serca i czerwonym krzyżyku pośrodku.

Another option is to get the Talent Chthonic Vitality. Available through the Mirror of Night, this talent will heal you for 1 health whenever you complete a room. That may not seem like a lot, but if you’re able to string together a few rooms without getting hit it can start to stack up.

Alternatywnie możesz wymienić Chthonic Vitality na Dark Regenerację, która zamieni część zebranej Ciemności w zdrowie.

Finally, when the House Contractor shows up you can build a Fountain Chamber, Tartarus. The work order, once complete, will make Fountain Chambers available throughout the game. In the you’ll find an Artifact, plus a fountain that will heal you for 15 health. That Artifact can even be a Centaur Heart, healing you for even more.

Źródło: https://www.dbltap.com/posts/how-to-heal-in-hades-explained-01fd092g7xy9?utm_source=RSS

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