MoD intends to procure 850 Nano drones (200 Sets of 4 X AV along with HHGCS base station plus 30 Ni AV and 20 day AV) with complete accessories through fast track procedure under emergency procurement under ‘Buy India” category and seems participation in the procurement from prospective bidders.
Single unit and formation of Indian Army are mandated to conduct special missions in conventional operations, counter insurgency/terrorism operations. Different terrains need enhanced situational awareness about the potent threat as obtained in the intended target area. Currently these reconnaissance and surveillance missions during and prior to an actual operations are conducted by small teams of own troops. The need of physical presence of troops as scouts not only increases the risk of casualty but can also jeopardize the complete operation. Hence, it is essential that troops are equipped with state of the art equipment to conduct these high risk high pay off missions. The existing volatile situation prevailing along the northern borders and in hinterland in disturbed areas mandates urgent procurement of Nano Drones for enhancing immediate situational awareness of the troops.

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