Clădirile fantomă abandonate de mult din CBD din Sydney - Conexiune cu programul de marijuana medicală

Clădirile fantomă abandonate de mult din CBD din Sydney – Conexiune cu programul de marijuana medicală

Nodul sursă: 2118330

Their other former holdings included Pyrmont’s Terminus Hotel, which was closed for 33 years before it reopened in 2018, and the Griffiths Tea building, now home to the restaurant Chin Chin.

Across the road from the Sussex Street building, the old Bristol Arms Hotel (sometimes called the Retro) is also vacant, with graffiti scrawled over its rear facade, rubbish gathering in the landings and windows missing.

Unison House on Liverpool Street in the CBD – the former home of Goodgod Small Club – has become a zombie building.

Unison House on Liverpool Street in the CBD – the former home of Goodgod Small Club – has become a zombie building.Credit: Edwina Pickles

On Liverpool Street in the CBD, near the corner of Kent Street, another building sits empty and derelict after plans to build a hotel were paused during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The five-storey Unison House, which once housed Goodgod Small Club in its basement, is boarded up and tagged with graffiti. In 2015 the previous owner, Wisdom Fortune Pty Ltd, lodged plans to convert the site into a hotel and add a rooftop extension. It revised the plans in 2019 and they were again approved by the council but work never started.

Property records show Wisdom Fortune sold the building last year for $40.6 million to a company called MC Bob Investment Pty Ltd, whose sole director and shareholder is Weng Cheong Wong.

Sydney Lord Mayor Clover Moore said she had asked her council to issue an additional reminder to building owners to ensure their compliance records were up to date and vacant premises secure.

“Councils are not required to keep…


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