O zi în viața lui Maggie Morse, cofondator al Tomo Labs

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Să-ți conduci propria afacere nu este un lucru ușor. Este nevoie de o doză sănătoasă de pasiune, disciplină și angajament. V-ați întrebat vreodată cum este o zi din viața unui fondator de proiecte creative? Suntem aici pentru a vă arunca o privire!

Astăzi ne așezăm Tomo Labs co-founder and chairman Maggie Morse (check out her campaign here). As head of Tomo Labs, she’s trying to take a bite out of the health supplement market by taking the bite out of hangovers. Here’s what we found out about her day-to-day routine.

6 AM

Wake up. Meditate for 10 minutes. Make matcha latte. Call parents. 

7 AM 

I begin my day by writing out what I want to accomplish. I tend to schedule most of my important calls in the morning when I have the most energy. These are usually with our manufacturer, our marketing agency, potential distributors, and potential retailers.

8 AM

I begin completing some of my tasks that do not require any third party assistance.

9 AM

Back-to-back phone calls begin.

ORA 12

Catch up with Sam (our CEO and Co-Founder) to review and strategize based on what we learned on our morning calls.


Have a sandwich that I prepared the night before for lunch.

1: 30 PM

Sam and I typically sit down and think about company growth for the next few phases.

ORA 4 

Actively manage our social media accounts, plan new content, post stories, and research influencers. 

ORA 5 

Audit our website traffic and performance for the day.

ORA 6 

Go for a run and eat dinner.

ORA 8 

Send emails to organize additional calls or follow-ups from the day

ORA 10 

Du-te la culcare

Now that you’ve gotten a glimpse of what their days are like, get more inspiration in our exclusive Q&A with them below!

INDIEGOGO: Cum și de ce ai devenit antreprenor? A fost ceva ce ți-ai propus întotdeauna? 

MAGGIE: Through founding a couple extracurricular clubs in college, I discovered that I love to build things. When I found a pain point for many people around me, I was excited to find a solution. I realized that I could create something to help people be happier, healthier, and more productive.

INDIEGOGO: Ce face ca proiectul dvs. Indiegogo să fie unic? 

MAGGIE: While Liam and I were seniors in college, we noticed that many students around us accepted that they would have an unproductive morning after a night out. We wondered why there was no solution. Equally passionate about health and science, we were determined to solve the issue of the crippling feeling after drinking.

With the help of Yale professors and accomplished advisors with extensive knowledge in the biotechnology, pharmaceutical, and dietary supplement industries, we spent months in Yale’s lab and found our solution in 2017. Our first post-alcohol recovery product was born and it immediately received extensive press coverage and fanfare after proving its efficacy. With limited marketing, we sold over $45,000 of our product in its first week on the market.

Since our early success, we have expanded our footprint across the globe and our team has grown with the addition of Sam Yang, our CEO, and Dr. Joris Verster, our Chief Scientist.

Sam is an experienced entrepreneur with a passion for health and fitness. He fell in love with our product when he was working hard to pursue an MBA at Stanford University while taking advantage of the lively social scene. Sam joined the team determined to share our product with a broader audience.

We have listened to feedback from our community of loyal customers over the last 5 years and are excited to introduce Tomo, our new product with improved taste, branding, and efficacy.

INDIEGOGO: What’s your biggest piece of advice for people who want to start their own business?

MAGGIE: Don’t be afraid and go out there and start trying things out. Find something that you are passionate about and prove out the demand through experiments. 

INDIEGOGO: Ce instrumente (gadgeturi, aplicații, cărți, podcast-uri) le-ați recomanda oricui își începe propria afacere, campanie de finanțare participativă sau proiect? 

MAGGIE: I love “How I Built This” podcast episodes. It is extremely inspiring. 

INDIEGOGO: What’s your favorite Indiegogo campaign or a campaign you’ve recently supported?
MAGGIE: I love your recent list of smart fashion ideas!

Want to support Tomo Labs? Check out Tomo Labs și contribuie acum.

Source: https://go.indiegogo.com/blog/2021/09/a-day-in-the-life-of-maggie-morse-co-founder-of-tomo-labs.html


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