ALYI – Înțelegerea ecosistemului EV susținut de criptomonede din spatele companiei EV

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Dallas, TX, Sept. 24, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) — Alternet Systems, Inc. (OTC Pink: ALYI) (“ALYI”) has recently announced that it expects to generate its first revenue this year from the sale of electric vehicles.

Specifically, ALYI intends to generate $2 million by year end from the sale of electric motorcycles. The company yesterday announced it might add to the $2 million figure with the additional sales of three wheeled electric vehicles under a second contract.

Conducerea ALYI subliniază în mod repetat că vehiculele electrice sunt doar vârful unei salopete ecosistemul vehiculelor electrice susținut de o criptomonedă dedicată numită Jeton de revoltă.

Mult mai mult la un vehicul electric decât înlocuirea unui motor cu ardere

Electric vehicles require a whole new breed of design and engineering, from the vehicle as a whole, down to each and every component part, from the component function to the subcomponent function, and the material it’s all made from.  There is much more to an electric vehicle than the replacement of a combustion engine.

Battery technology is a much talked about critical pacing item to the overall advance of electric vehicles.  However, the charging network may be just as critical a pacing item.  You currently cannot simply pull into a charging station and in five minutes, charge your car the way you would tank up on gas.  What about the source of electricity?  All those cars will have to be charged now the electric infrastructure that is already keeping on all the lights and air conditioners, hot water heaters, computers, and mobile phones.

What about the manufacturing and assembly infrastructure, and the sales and marketing support, and the distribution channels?  Of course, all of this will take investment capital to build.

Vehiculul electric este punctul de contact al consumatorului în ecosistemul general al vehiculelor electrice

Un vehicul electric este punctul de contact al consumatorului într-un ecosistem general de vehicule electrice în care toate componentele ecosistemului se reunesc pentru a furniza un serviciu de transport.

In a region such as the United States, where the transportation market is saturated with existing combustion engine vehicles, the rollout of electric vehicles will be affected by getting consumers to exchange combustion engine vehicles for electric vehicles.

Electric vehicle purveyors in the United States will have the advantage and challenge of addressing existing consumer transportation expectations formed around combustion engine vehicles.

Inovațiile vehiculelor electrice care se abat de la așteptările existente ale consumatorilor de motoare cu ardere ar putea fi respinse de consumatori, indiferent de avantajele unei anumite inovații.

At the same time, electric vehicle purveyors in the United States can avoid the expense of innovation and produce a product that minimally utilizes the advantages of electric power and is seemingly the same as the consumers old combustion engine vehicle except for now being powered by an electric motor.

Strategia Ecosistemului pentru Vehicule Electrice ALYI

ALYI construiește un întreg ecosistem de vehicule electrice pentru a aborda toate componentele procesului cuprinzător din spatele punctului de contact pentru vehiculele electrice de consum în experiența generală de transport.

ALYI is launching its electric vehicle ecosystem in Africa where the transportation market is far from saturated and the opportunity exists to introduce consumers to a transportation solution for the first time, rather than convincing them to exchange one mode of transportation for another.

Africa and the rest of the world’s developing economic regions where ALYI will go next, provide a technology leapfrog opportunity.  The United States and other economically developed regions are resistant to innovation when the innovation requires replacing an existing solution.  Purveyors in developed economic regions are resistant to spending money on an innovation that may produce a superior solution, when a passable and profitable solution is already in place, and consumers are resistant to adopting any change in their daily routine.

Cea mai bună oportunitate pentru inovarea în transportul electric rezidă în regiunile economice în curs de dezvoltare ale lumii.

ALYI Asamblarea experților în componentele ecosistemului de vehicule electrice sub o marcă globală

Conducerea ALYI nu intenționează să construiască toată expertiza în ecosistemul vehiculelor electrice în casă. O astfel de strategie ar fi o nebunie, deoarece gama de expertiză este atât de vastă.

Altfel, ALYI reunește expertiza componentelor sub un singur nume de marcă, inițiativa strategică cheie fiind aceea de a face acest nume de marcă recunoscut la nivel global.

ALYI is assembling the component expertise through a combination of partnerships, contracts, acquisitions and investments.  For example, ALYI anticipates making two acquisitions prior to year-end. One in conjunction with ALYI’s electric motorcycle business and one in conjunction with the ALYI’s branding strategy where ALYI will be connected with an existing, globally recognized electric vehicle racing brand.  ALYI has also made a strategic investment in an innovative, technology driven, car rental company concentrating on developing economic regions with a substantial existing footprint in India.

Utilizarea inovațiilor în criptomonede pentru a valorifica un ecosistem de vehicule electrice

ALYI a ales să fie o companie cotată la bursă pentru a forma capitalul necesar pentru a investi în strategia sa pentru ecosistemul vehiculelor electrice.

ALYI a format, de asemenea, un parteneriat cu Revolt Token pentru a accesa în continuare capital pentru strategia sa de ecosistem pentru vehicule electrice.

ALYI a colaborat cu Revolt Token pentru a finanța creșterea ALYI, oferind o participare democratizată la ecosistemul vehiculelor electrice prin vânzarea de Revolt Tokens.

Pentru a afla mai multe despre Revolt Token și despre cum să participați la ecosistemul de vehicule electrice ALYI prin achiziționarea de Revolt Tokens, vizitați

Pentru mai multe informații și pentru a fi la curent cu ultimele evoluții generale ale ALYI, vă rugăm să vizitați

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ALYI - Understanding the Cryptocurrency Backed EV Ecosystem Behind the EV Company 1



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