CEO Bank of America: Autoritățile de reglementare „nu permit” băncilor să se implice în cripto

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Frustration is growing among American industry leaders as regulators continue to stifle blockchain innovation in the US.

In recent months, US regulators, mainly the SEC, have come under harsh criticisms din gusturi de Oficiali americani și CEO Coinbase Brian Armstrong, and have sparked a legal threat from Grayscale, as the regulatory body seems to be doing everything in its power to hinder blockchain and cryptocurrency innovation, for reasons that they have not made clear.

The Bank of America is the latest firm to express its frustration as explained in an interviu between Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan and Brian Sozzi of Yahoo Finance, during this year’s World Economic Forum meeting in Davos, Switzerland.


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As blockchain technology is showing its enormous potential, industries, individuals, and corporations are becoming increasingly interested in adopting the technology to ensure they remain competitive or leverage the technology for a competitive advantage, though regulators continue to halt progress in its tracks.

Bank of America’s Brian Moynihan goes on to explain that they have hundreds of blockchain patents that are being blocked by regulators. When asked about his corporation’s plans for digital currencies, he stated:

„Realitatea este că derulăm o afacere de plăți pe platforma noastră. Sunt trilioane de dolari pe zi și aproape toată este digitală. Dacă te gândești la blockchain, avem sute de brevete pe blockchain ca proces și ca instrument și ca tehnologie.”

He went on to highlight that the main problem that prevents them from engaging in accounts for people in crypto:

„Nu avem voie, sincer. Pentru că suntem reglementați și ei [autoritățile de reglementare] au spus că nu poți. Ei au spus, „trebuie să ne întrebați înainte de a o face și, apropo, nu întrebați” – era în principiu tonul.”

He then added, “The reality is that we can’t do it by regulation. We’re not really allowed to engage.”

The banking giant is eager to get involved in digital assets. As they stabilit in an article earlier this year with Finbold, the BoA predicts that crypto could become a more robust market than traditional asset classes like stocks and outperform them in the upcoming “recession shock”

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Mesaj CEO Bank of America: Autoritățile de reglementare „nu permit” băncilor să se implice în cripto a apărut în primul rând pe Biroul de monede.


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