Donațiile criptografice continuă în ciuda scăderii industriei

Donațiile criptografice continuă în ciuda scăderii industriei

Nodul sursă: 2004187

Early last year when Russian forces invaded Ukraine, the crypto community was quick to mobilize as donations poured in to help those affected by this unprovoked war. The donations mainly went to government agencies as well as nongovernmental organizations involved in the relief efforts.

Recent several DAOs and crypto projects have shifted their attention to raising funds to help those affected by the earthquakes in Syria and Turkey. These efforts aren’t gaining mainstream media attention due to the preoccupation with the Ukraine war.

Endaoment, an NGO that was launched in 2019, says in the wake of the earthquakes that devastated Syria and Turkey, donations in the form of cryptos started flowing to support efforts to help those most in need in the earthquake-affected area. Endaoment was formed to manage as well encourage the cryptocurrency community to support worthy charitable causes.

Robbie Heeger, CEO and president of Endaoment, observed that the crypto community is passionate about sovereignty and the protection of human rights, so it was almost automatic that the organization would spring into action to support the government in Ukraine as well as the civilians who are resisting the aggression of Russia after the February 2022 invasion. There was hardly any need to explain to members why donations were needed in Ukraine, he added.

However, Heeger points out that the humanitarian crisis in Syria and Turkey hasn’t attracted as much enthusiasm within the crypto community. True, donations are coming in, but they are nowhere near the scale that the Ukraine relief effort attracted. He thinks that this low-level response is partly due to the media paying ore attention to the war in Ukraine, and he also posits that the natural disaster hasn’t aroused as much sentiment because it doesn’t touch on sovereignty and abuse of human rights by a foreign power.

At the core of the blockchain/crypto movement is a strong need to break loose from control by a central authority or government, hence the decentralization of finance. Any cause that can be linked to fighting back against government control or aggression seems to trigger an immediate response within the crypto community.

Notwithstanding, organizations such as Turkey Relief DAO are seeing encouraging responses to their efforts to highlight the different NGOs and agencies working to help those affected by the recent earthquake in Turkey. The funds they raise go directly to these organizations working in the disaster zones. So far, wallets have been established on 18 crypto chains in order to receive donations and channel those funds where aid is most needed.

Ca entităţi precum Stronghold Digital Mining Inc. (NASDAQ: SDIG) continue to make it possible for people to earn digital assets, there will always be the added benefit of giving people the ability to chip in to support charitable causes whenever the need arises.

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