EGO.COM – Un proiect emblematic Cardano NFT câștigă avânt

Nodul sursă: 1335125, a Cardano-based NFT services provider with an iconic name, has been making rounds within the NFT space. This up-and-coming project with a promise to facilitate a “Digital Renaissance in art” is quickly gaining a “crypto gem” reputation in the current bear market., a decentralized creative realm for artists and collectors, is quickly gaining the attention of retail and institutional investors within the Cardano ecosystem. Harnessing the power of Non-Fungible Token (NFT) technology, has marketed itself as the key player in facilitating the NFT market transition from “JPEGs with bragging rights” to a “Digital Renaissance” in art.

The project has seen substantial investor interest, even within an otherwise squeamish market dominated by ‘bearish’ sentiment. private sale, which has been running since May 25, has been attracting record numbers of investors who have been persuaded by the potential of to radically reshape the trajectory of modern art with the help of NFTs. The private sale is still ongoing (until June 15), and some of our readers may be eligible. Please reach out to has also secured a strategic partnership with ADAX, a Cardano-based exchange, with an public sale scheduled to take place on ADAX on June 16, with a 24-hour priority round for ADAX stakers. Projections derived from early private sale data indicate substantial investor interest, signaling the likelihood of a massively oversubscribed first round.

Despre este un tărâm creativ complet descentralizat, construit pe coloana vertebrală a contractelor inteligente Plutus. Condusă de o echipă de artiști, dealeri de artă și profesioniști DeFi, valorifică puterea tehnologiei NFT pentru a se asigura că artiștii și colecționarii profită la maximum de activele lor digitale. Artiștii își pot arăta priceperea creând NFT-uri ale operei lor de artă. Colecționarii pot câștiga recompense din miza colecțiilor lor NFT bazate pe Cardano. Investitorii se pot proteja împotriva fluctuațiilor de preț pe termen scurt în stil. Fiecare pas către „Renașterea digitală” în artă, este acolo pentru a oferi suport profesional la 360° pentru toate nevoile dvs. NFT.

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