Proprietarul unei mașini electrice spune că Tesla Model 3, piratat, a exploatat până la 800 de dolari pe lună în minerit Ethereum

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Proprietarul unei mașini electrice spune că Tesla Model 3, piratat, a exploatat până la 800 de dolari pe lună în minerit Ethereum

Potrivit proprietarului Tesla Model 2018 din 3, Siraj Raval, el a extras până la 800 de dolari pe lună în criptoactive cu mașina sa electrică piratată. În mod similar, Chris Allessi, proprietarul unui Tesla Model S, a legat un Bitmain Antminer S9 la sistemul electric al mașinii sale pentru a extrage bitcoin și a extras monero și cu computerul intern al mașinii.

Proprietarii Tesla minează Bitcoin, Ethereum și Monero

This week, two Tesla owners a explicat how they rigged their cars to mine digital currencies. According to Siraj Raval, he connected graphics processing units (GPUs) to his 2018 Tesla Model 3, in order to mine crypto assets with his car. While the modification to the Tesla system voids his warranty, Raval stressed that “it’s worth it” and claims to have raked in $800 a month in ethereum (ETH) during last year’s ether price highs.

The electric car dealer from Wisconsin, Chris Allessi, started doing the same thing in 2018. Allessi has been tinkering with ideas like this for a while, and he operates a Youtube channel called “K-Man Auto” working on custom electronic vehicles. “I like electricity. I like zapping stuff, building stuff. You give me an electric motor, I give you a finished product,” Allessi told CNBC on January 8.

Proprietarul unei mașini electrice spune că Tesla Model 3, piratat, a exploatat până la 800 de dolari pe lună în minerit Ethereum

Allessi claims he leveraged a power inverter and a Bitmain Antminer S9, and tied them directly into his Tesla Model S battery to mine bitcoin (BTC). Moreover, Allessi also reports that he leverages Tesla’s onboard internal firmware to mine crypto assets like monero (XMR). “It was no big deal,” Allessi said during his interview. “I could run the mining program within the browser,” he further remarked.

Mașina electrică a companiei de vehicule electrice Daymak, construită pentru a extrage cripto, BMW i8 minează Ethereum

Raval has also hacked his Tesla Model 3 onboard internal firmware to mine crypto, and he noted that the process, alongside using GPUs, was the most profitable method. Allessi and Raval are not the only ones that have thought of mining digital assets with an electric vehicle. This past June, the Canada-based electric vehicle company Daymak planuri dezvăluite to launch an electric car called the băutură that is able to mine cryptocurrencies.

Last year in January, the publication PC Gamer raportate that Simon Byrne’s BMW i8 could mine ethereum (ETH) with the electric battery system. Byrne’s car utilized a total of six Nvidia RTX 3080 GPUs to mine the second leading crypto asset. According to Byrne, he hacked out his hybrid-electric BMW i8 with crypto miners “just to annoy gamers.”

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