Taxele Ethereum scad la cea mai mică rată în 7 luni, cele mai multe taxe L2 sub 1 USD per transfer

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Taxele Ethereum scad la cea mai mică rată în 7 luni, cele mai multe taxe L2 sub 1 USD per transfer

Taxele Ethereum au continuat să scadă săptămână după săptămână și sunt acum la cea mai mică valoare din ultimele șapte luni. Marți, 8 martie, taxa medie de gaz Ethereum pentru stratul unu (L1) este de 0.0042 eter sau 10.89 USD per transfer. În același timp, taxele de mărime medie a gazelor sunt, de asemenea, mult mai mici, atingând valori nemaivăzute din august anul trecut.

Taxele Ethereum L1 Plonjează - Dimensiunea medie, Urmează taxele L2

While L1 ethereum (ETH) gas fees are nowhere near below $1 per transfer, ether transaction fees are continuing to drop from January’s highs. It’s possible there’s been less on-chain transaction activity and ETH fees may have been alleviated by the increased use of L2 protocols like Optimism, Arbitrum, and Polygon.

At the time of writing, the average gas cost to transact on the Ethereum blockchain is 0.0042 ETH or $10.89 per transfer. The last time average gas costs on Ethereum were this low was seven months ago on August 4, 2021. Similarly, median-sized ether fees are low as well, as data shows median-sized fees have not been this low since August 1, 2021.

Currently, the median-sized gas fee on the Ethereum blockchain is 0.0014 ETH or $3.73 per transfer. Both average and median-sized gas fees are much lower than the fees recorded on January 10, 2022. On that day, the average gas fee to transfer ethereum (ETH) was $52 per transaction. Average ETH fees haven’t been below $1 per transfer since August 2020, and median-sized fees jumped over $1 that same month, 19 months ago.

Even though the median-sized ether fee of $3.73 per transfer is cheap, ethereum (ETH) users who want to transfer for less than that are forced to leverage layer two (L2) protocols. In fact, L2 users will enjoy less than $1 fees on most L2 protocols available today.

At the time of writing, the cheapest L2 transaction fee stems from using Loopring at $0.06 per transfer. Furthermore, the cost to swap tokens via Loopring is $0.64 per transaction. Loopring’s ETH transfer rate is followed by Zksync ($0.09), Polygon Hermez ($0.25), Optimism ($0.38), Arbitrum ($0.44), Boba ($0.58), and Aztec ($1.50).

Deși costă 0.64 USD per tranzacție pentru a schimba jetoanele prin Loopring, este doar 0.22 USD per schimb folosind protocolul L2 Zksync.

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