Acțiuni GitHub pentru începătorii de învățare automată - KDnuggets

Acțiuni GitHub pentru începătorii de învățare automată – KDnuggets

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GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners
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GitHub Actions is a powerful feature of the GitHub platform that allows for automating software development workflows, such as testing, building, and deploying code. This not only streamlines the development process but also makes it more reliable and efficient.

In this tutorial, we will explore how to use GitHub Actions for a beginner Machine Learning (ML) project. From setting up our ML project on GitHub to creating a GitHub Actions workflow that automates your ML tasks, we will cover everything you need to know.

GitHub Actions is a powerful tool that provides a continuous integration and continuous delivery (CI/CD) pipeline for all GitHub repositories for free. It automates the entire software development workflow, from creating and testing to deploying code, all within the GitHub platform. You can use it to improve your development and deployment efficiency.

GitHub Actions key features

We will now learn about key components of workflow. 

Fluxuri de lucru

Workflows are automated processes that you define in your GitHub repository. They are composed of one or more jobs and can be triggered by GitHub events such as a push, pull request, issue creation, or by workflows. Workflows are defined in a YML file within the .github/workflows directory of your repository. You can edit it and rerun the workflow right from the GitHub repository. 

Jobs and Steps

Within a workflow, jobs define a set of steps that execute on the same runner. Each step in a job can run commands or actions, which are reusable pieces of code that can perform a specific task, such as formatting the code or training the model.


Workflows can be triggered by various GitHub events, such as push, pull requests, forks, stars, releases, and more. You can also schedule workflows to run at specific times using cron syntax.


Runners are the virtual environments/machines where workflows are executed. GitHub provides hosted runners with Linux, Windows, and macOS environments, or you can host your own runner for more control over the environment.


Actions are reusable units of code that you can use as steps within your jobs. You can create your own actions or use actions shared by the GitHub community in the GitHub Marketplace.

GitHub Actions makes it straightforward for developers to automate their build, test, and deployment workflows directly within GitHub, helping to improve productivity and streamline the development process.

In this project, we will use two Actions:

  1. actions/checkout@v3: for checking out your repository so that workflow can access the file and data.
  2. iterative/setup-cml@v2: for displaying the model metrics and confusion matrix under the commit as a message. 

We will work on a simple machine learning project using the Bank Churn dataset from Kaggle to train and evaluate a Random Forest Classifier.


  1. We will create the GitHub repository by providing the name, and description, checking the readme file, and license. 


    GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

  2. Go to the project director and clone the repository. 
  3. Change the directory to the repository folder.
  4. Launch the code editor. In our case, it is VSCode. 
$ git clone

$ cd .GitHub-Actions-For-Machine-Learning-Beginners

$ code .


  1. Please create a `requirements.txt` file and add all the necessary packages that are required to run the workflow successfully.


  1. Descărcați de date from Kaggle using the link and extract it in the main folder.
  2. The dataset is big, so we have to install GitLFS into our repository and track the train CSV file.  
$ git lfs install
$ git lfs track train.csv

Training and Evaluating Code

In this section, we will write the code that will train, evaluate, and save the model pipelines. The code is from my previous tutorial, Simplificați-vă fluxul de lucru de învățare automată cu Scikit-learn Pipelines. If you want to know how the scikit-learn pipeline works, then you should read it. 

  1. Create a `` file and copy and paste the following code.
  2. The code uses ColumnTransformer and Pipeline for preprocessing the data and the Pipeline for feature selection and model training. 
  3. After evaluating the model performance, both metrics and the confusion matrix are saved in the main folder. These metrics will be used later by the CML action.
  4. In the end, the scikit-learn final pipeline is saved for model inference. 
import pandas as pd

from sklearn.compose import ColumnTransformer
from sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split

from sklearn.feature_selection import SelectKBest, chi2
from sklearn.impute import SimpleImputer
from sklearn.pipeline import Pipeline
from sklearn.preprocessing import MinMaxScaler, OrdinalEncoder

from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score, f1_score
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.metrics import ConfusionMatrixDisplay, confusion_matrix

import as sio

# loading the data
bank_df = pd.read_csv("train.csv", index_col="id", nrows=1000)
bank_df = bank_df.drop(["CustomerId", "Surname"], axis=1)
bank_df = bank_df.sample(frac=1)

# Splitting data into training and testing sets
X = bank_df.drop(["Exited"], axis=1)
y = bank_df.Exited

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
    X, y, test_size=0.3, random_state=125

# Identify numerical and categorical columns
cat_col = [1, 2]
num_col = [0, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

# Transformers for numerical data
numerical_transformer = Pipeline(
    steps=[("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="mean")), ("scaler", MinMaxScaler())]

# Transformers for categorical data
categorical_transformer = Pipeline(
        ("imputer", SimpleImputer(strategy="most_frequent")),
        ("encoder", OrdinalEncoder()),

# Combine pipelines using ColumnTransformer
preproc_pipe = ColumnTransformer(
        ("num", numerical_transformer, num_col),
        ("cat", categorical_transformer, cat_col),

# Selecting the best features
KBest = SelectKBest(chi2, k="all")

# Random Forest Classifier
model = RandomForestClassifier(n_estimators=100, random_state=125)

# KBest and model pipeline
train_pipe = Pipeline(
        ("KBest", KBest),
        ("RFmodel", model),

# Combining the preprocessing and training pipelines
complete_pipe = Pipeline(
        ("preprocessor", preproc_pipe),
        ("train", train_pipe),

# running the complete pipeline, y_train)

## Model Evaluation
predictions = complete_pipe.predict(X_test)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test, predictions)
f1 = f1_score(y_test, predictions, average="macro")

print("Accuracy:", str(round(accuracy, 2) * 100) + "%", "F1:", round(f1, 2))

## Confusion Matrix Plot
predictions = complete_pipe.predict(X_test)
cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions, labels=complete_pipe.classes_)
disp = ConfusionMatrixDisplay(confusion_matrix=cm, display_labels=complete_pipe.classes_)
plt.savefig("model_results.png", dpi=120)

## Write metrics to file
with open("metrics.txt", "w") as outfile:
    outfile.write(f"nAccuracy = {round(accuracy, 2)}, F1 Score = {round(f1, 2)}nn")

# saving the pipeline
sio.dump(complete_pipe, "bank_pipeline.skops")


We got a good result. 

$ python
Accuracy: 88.0% F1: 0.77


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

You can learn more about the inner workings of the code mentioned above by reading “Simplificați-vă fluxul de lucru de învățare automată cu Scikit-learn Pipelines

We don’t want Git to push output files as they are always generated at the end of the code so we will be adding the to .gitignore file. 

Just type `.gitignore` in the terminal to launch the file.

$ .gitignore


Add the following file names. 



This is how it should look like on your VSCode. 


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

We will now stage the changes, create a commit, and push the changes to the GitHub main branch.

git add .
git commit -m "new changes"
git push origin main


This is how your GitHub depozit ar trebui să arate ca.


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners


Before we begin working on the workflow, it’s important to understand the purpose of Continuous Machine Learning (CML) actions. CML functions are used in the workflow to automate the process of generating a model evaluation report. What does this mean? Well, when we push changes to GitHub, a report will be automatically generated under the commit. This report will include performance metrics and a confusion matrix, and we will also receive an email with all this information.


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

GitHub Actiuni

It’s time for the main part. We will develop a machine learning workflow for training and evaluating our model. This workflow will be activated whenever we push our code to the main branch or when someone submits a pull request to the main branch.

To create our first workflow, navigate to the “Actions” tab on the depozit and click on the blue text “set up a workflow yourself.” It will create a YML file in the .github/workflows directory and provide us with the interactive code editor for adding the code. 


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

Add the following code to the workflow file. In this code, we are:

  1. Naming our workflow.
  2. Setting the triggers on push and pull request using `on` keyworks. 
  3. Providing the actions with written permission so that the CML action can create the message under the commit.
  4. Use Ubuntu Linux runner.
  5. Use `actions/checkout@v3` action to access all the repository files, including the dataset. 
  6. Using `iterative/setup-cml@v2` action to install the CML package. 
  7. Create the run for installing all of the Python packages.
  8. Create the run for formatting the Python files.
  9. Create the run for training and evaluating the model.
  10. Create the run with GITHUB_TOKEN for moving the model metrics and confusion matrix plot to file. Then, use the CML command to create the report under the commit comment. 
name: ML Workflow
    branches: [ "main" ]
    branches: [ "main" ]
permissions: write-all

    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      - uses: actions/checkout@v3
          lfs: true
      - uses: iterative/setup-cml@v2
      - name: Install Packages
        run: pip install --upgrade pip && pip install -r requirements.txt
      - name: Format
        run: black *.py
      - name: Train
        run: python
      - name: Evaluation
          REPO_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}
        run: | 
          echo "## Model Metrics" >
          cat metrics.txt >>
          echo '## Confusion Matrix Plot' >>
          echo '![Confusion Matrix](model_results.png)' >>

          cml comment create


This is how it should look on your GitHub workflow.


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

After committing the changes. The workflow will start executing the command sequentially. 


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

After completing the workflow, we can view the logs by clicking on the recent workflow in the “Actions” tab, opening the build, and reviewing each task’s logs.


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

We can now view the model evaluation under the commit messages section. We can access it by clicking on the commit link: fixed location in workflow · kingabzpro/GitHub-Actions-For-Machine-Learning-Beginners@44c74fa


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

You will also receive an email from GitHub 


GitHub Actions For Machine Learning Beginners

The code source is available on my GitHub repository: kingabzpro/GitHub-Actions-For-Machine-Learning-Beginners. You can clone it and try it yourself. 

Machine learning operation (MLOps) is a vast field that requires knowledge of various tools and platforms to successfully build and deploy models in production. To get started with MLOps, it is recommended to follow a comprehensive tutorial, “Un ghid pentru începători pentru CI/CD pentru învățarea automată“. It will provide you with a solid foundation to effectively implement MLOps techniques.

In this tutorial, we covered what GitHub Actions are and how they can be used to automate your machine learning workflow. We also learned about CML Actions and how to write scripts in YML format to run jobs successfully. If you’re still confused about where to start, I suggest taking a look at Singurul curs gratuit de care aveți nevoie pentru a deveni inginer MLOps.

Abid Ali Awan (@ 1abidaliawan) este un profesionist certificat în domeniul științei datelor, căruia îi place să construiască modele de învățare automată. În prezent, se concentrează pe crearea de conținut și pe scrierea de bloguri tehnice despre învățarea automată și tehnologiile științei datelor. Abid deține o diplomă de master în managementul tehnologiei și o diplomă de licență în ingineria telecomunicațiilor. Viziunea lui este de a construi un produs AI folosind o rețea neuronală grafică pentru studenții care se luptă cu boli mintale.


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